
Thou Art a Priest Forever. A tribute to Fr. Liam Cary honoring his 12 years of service at Sacred Heart …

Praise God!
Local priest named Baker bishop
Praise God!

Local priest named Baker bishop

Vienna Western Mass 2011 Is Cancelled

This is great news but it begs the question. Why is stuff like this even happening under the nose of a Bishop of the Church? Would he have cancelled it if there was not a public campaign exposing it? How could such an abusive "mass" even be considered legitimate by some of the leaders of the Church? I pray that Benedict will continue to clean out the filth and may he live to be a 110 years of age.

A True and Perfect Sacrifice. Highlights of the 2009 Priest Ordinations at St. Mary’s Cathedral of …

Thanks Father,
It's from the middle section of the classical piece "Jupiter, the Bringer of Jolity" by Gustav Holst. This version is from "Shockwave Sound" and it has been slowed a bit.
God bless, MarcMore
Thanks Father,

It's from the middle section of the classical piece "Jupiter, the Bringer of Jolity" by Gustav Holst. This version is from "Shockwave Sound" and it has been slowed a bit.

God bless, Marc

Tradition (chant version) Highlights of the Fraternity of Saint Peter ordinations on May 30, 2008

Thank you Msgr. Pope. I used Sony Vegas to edit this (720p template). One of the priests is the brother of a good friend who now has 3 brothers who are FSSP priests.
Regards, MarcMore
Thank you Msgr. Pope. I used Sony Vegas to edit this (720p template). One of the priests is the brother of a good friend who now has 3 brothers who are FSSP priests.

Regards, Marc

Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Leo the Great

Great job. Keep up the good work.

When does a child have human rights? Above his pay grade

The problem is that Obama is not being honest. He has a perfect 100% pro abortion voting record and even led the fight to kill the "born alive protection act" while serving in the Illinois state senate. This act tried to give life support to full term babies that were born after a botched abortion. Obama said he could not accept that because "it would be admitting they were persons". …More

The problem is that Obama is not being honest. He has a perfect 100% pro abortion voting record and even led the fight to kill the "born alive protection act" while serving in the Illinois state senate. This act tried to give life support to full term babies that were born after a botched abortion. Obama said he could not accept that because "it would be admitting they were persons".

So in reality Obama's answer in this video can be compared to someone asking Hitler if he believed Jews should have rights and him answering... "It's not something I've ever thought much about".

Lots of work. Why not many people want to work for the Kingdom of God. homily for the feast of St. …

Thank you for the wonderful homilies Father.

Eigens eine Kniebank benützt. Kommunionspendung bei der Fronleichnamsmesse. Bei der Papst-Kommunion …

I think it was Scott Hahn who said a Protestant friend remarked to him that "if he believed what we Catholics say we believe, he would crawl to the alter".
On a personal note when I was looking back into the Church it was the reverence I saw that helped convince me of the truth of Jesus in the Eucharist. The Masses that played down the liturgy and reverence were a stumbling block to my conversion.…More
I think it was Scott Hahn who said a Protestant friend remarked to him that "if he believed what we Catholics say we believe, he would crawl to the alter".

On a personal note when I was looking back into the Church it was the reverence I saw that helped convince me of the truth of Jesus in the Eucharist. The Masses that played down the liturgy and reverence were a stumbling block to my conversion. God bless Pope Benedict!

Medjugorje - Mirjana's apparition On May the 2nd

There is a good book out called:
Understanding Medjugorje Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley
It's a charitable assesment of the situation but cleary shows that there are serious problems that most people (in favor of Medjugorje) do not know about.More
There is a good book out called:

Understanding Medjugorje Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? by Donal Anthony Foley

It's a charitable assesment of the situation but cleary shows that there are serious problems that most people (in favor of Medjugorje) do not know about.

Obama Protest in Oregon. Pro-lifers welcome Barack Obama to Medford, Oregon and expose his extreme …

Yes, it was someone who decided on their own to go into the rally as we were leaving. They took 2 signs. "Abortion Hurts Women" and "Jesus Heals" and held them up when Obama walked by. The crowd jumped him and torn up his signs and then pushed him around until the Police took him away. While he was being pushed around a lady supposedly tripped and bruised herself. The interesting thing was that this …More
Yes, it was someone who decided on their own to go into the rally as we were leaving. They took 2 signs. "Abortion Hurts Women" and "Jesus Heals" and held them up when Obama walked by. The crowd jumped him and torn up his signs and then pushed him around until the Police took him away. While he was being pushed around a lady supposedly tripped and bruised herself. The interesting thing was that this lady was outside prior to the event harrasing protesters and seemed intoxicated. Everyone knows the guy did not assault anyone but as you said they liked harass us because they hate to be exposed to what they are supporting. God bless Father.