Tribunus Classis Imperialis
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Francis Church: Cooks? This “Tradition” Is Still Welcome

It's absolutely pathetic. Satan laughing at these poor, deluded, evil old men.
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Archbishop (DesmondTutu 1931- - 2021):

Then he is surely in Hell.
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Maximilian Kolbe to the Masons: You Are Controlled by the Jews
Yes, Klaus Schwab really is a ROTHSCHILD!!!Mehr

Yes, Klaus Schwab really is a ROTHSCHILD!!!
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Navy Surgeon reveals the damage being caused by the vaccine in the military

It's all about thinning out the herd.
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

How to Win a 'Fifth-Generation' War

Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of "information and perception".[1] There is no widely agreed upon …Mehr
Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of "information and perception".[1] There is no widely agreed upon definition of fifth-generation warfare,[2] and it has been rejected by some scholars, including William S. Lind, who was one of the original theorists of fourth-generation warfare.[3]
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Traditional Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodoxy - Which Way Western Man?

Why We Fight with Justin Stamm
Traditional Catholicism is growing tremendously. As far as Orthodoxy, even though I spent time in Catechism there, when I personally asked Bishop Benjamin of the OCA about the "tremendous growth" of the Church in Russia he said there isn't. I was perplexed and asked about all the a churches being built. He said "yes but they're empty. 90 million people were baptized …Mehr
Why We Fight with Justin Stamm
Traditional Catholicism is growing tremendously. As far as Orthodoxy, even though I spent time in Catechism there, when I personally asked Bishop Benjamin of the OCA about the "tremendous growth" of the Church in Russia he said there isn't. I was perplexed and asked about all the a churches being built. He said "yes but they're empty. 90 million people were baptized after the Soviet Union but they don't go to church. They're as empty as the churches in Europe." He believes it's propaganda and he's not alone. He spent many years in Russia since he was a Deacon and goes there often. I have family members that have traveled to Russia. They confirmed that. In addition there is no effort to remove communist imagery both in public and inside the churches. They have the same or worse problems that we have, despite what some hotshot internet western converts would have you believe. Traditional Latin Mass is the way to go, at least for westerners.
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Episode 12 - The Matrix, Moldbug & why Pagan Philosophy is Inferior to Catholic Political Philosophy

The Wachowskis Lana and Lilly Wachowski Born Lana: June 21, 1965 (age 56) Lilly: December 29, 1967 (age 53) Both born in Chicago, Illinois, United States Other names Collectively: The Wachowskis The Wachowski Brothers (before 2010) The Wachowski Sisters Occupation Film and television directors, writers, producers Years active 1994–present Notable work Bound The Matrix series V for Vendetta Speed …Mehr
The Wachowskis Lana and Lilly Wachowski Born Lana: June 21, 1965 (age 56) Lilly: December 29, 1967 (age 53) Both born in Chicago, Illinois, United States Other names Collectively: The Wachowskis The Wachowski Brothers (before 2010) The Wachowski Sisters Occupation Film and television directors, writers, producers Years active 1994–present Notable work Bound The Matrix series V for Vendetta Speed Racer Cloud Atlas Jupiter Ascending Sense8 Spouse(s) Lana: Thea Bloom (m. 1993; div. 2002) Karin Winslow (m. 2009) Lilly: Alisa Blasingame (m. 1991) Lana Wachowski (born June 21, 1965, formerly known as Larry Wachowski)[1] and Lilly Wachowski (born December 29, 1967, formerly known as Andy Wachowski)[2] are American film and television directors, writers and producers.[3] The (monsters) sisters are both trans women (things). AND OF COURSE, THEY ARE JEWS. The secret Jewish history of The Matrix…2019/12/19/the-secret-jewish-history-of-the-matrix Jewish-Polish co-director of the Matrix films Lana Wachowski, who came out as transgender earlier this year, says she almost committed suicide as a young adult because of her identity struggles.
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

The Modernists Have Proposed ABOLISHING THE PRIESTHOOD

None. They are Judas-priests and heresiarchs. They need to be locked away, judged, and then sentenced to that earthly end that they so richly deserve..
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Justice Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19 ahead of court's new term

And he will be dead in the next 2-3years
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Not sure
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

The Militia of the Immaculata (MILITIA IMMACULATAE)

This is MI is in control of the SSPX
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The Militia of the Immaculata (MILITIA IMMACULATAE)

Outstanding! Ausgezeichnet!
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Unbearable Anti-SSPX Bias. Done with this crap

Voris is a toxic narcissist sodomite.
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Bill Gates says getting VAXXed is NOT your choice

This man is a pyschopathic monster. Alas, there are many many more like him...
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

Pope Francis Has Fully Regularized the SSPX - James Bogle

Dear Mr. James Bogle. Arguing with Sedevacantists is useless. The have a revolutionary protestant spirit, and not open to real argumentation and fact-based discussions.
Tribunus Classis Imperialis

BANNED! E. Michael Jones Books Removed

Why the Bezos, of course....