Opera 369

El engaño mundial con el covid no será el último, pero tampoco fue el primero

Ciencia y Salud El engaño mundial con el covid no será el último, pero tampoco fue el primero Desde la Revolución Industrial …
the more we know......

DISEASE-X: 70 Colorado Dairy Farm Workers Monitored for Symptoms as FDA Claims Bird Flu Will Kill One …

Discover more from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World DISEASE-X: 70 Colorado Dairy Farm Workers Monitored …
The minds are liberating themselves.....

A Message from Japan to the World

The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which …

Exploring the thesis of the 'Ratzinger Code': Did Pope Benedict fake his resignation? - LifeSite

Prof. Erik Thaddeus Walters joins me on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show to unpack why he believes …
A great article, that reveals and proves facts which some high 'prelates' (very popular for "speaking out") ignore (to keep their pension, their house and their comfort).

Andrea Cionci: Posters Pop up in Teramo: "Bergoglio is not the pope"

Heads are exploding throughout the Italian peninsula as “Bergoglio is not the Pope” posters are popping up across the country. Andrea …
"Thus a compact bloc has been created. This is a group made of commentators, vaticanists and bloggers who are generally close to an Archbishop whom we …More
"Thus a compact bloc has been created. This is a group made of commentators, vaticanists and bloggers who are generally close to an Archbishop whom we must now consider as schismatic. Carlo Maria Viganò, in fact, has not denied the news published by national newspapers about a reconsecration of him by the schismatic Bishop Williamson"

Funny guys. Rejecting the election of the man whom almost all bishops (perhaps except sedevacantist ones and eastern real schismatics) recognised as the pope in 2013 and at the same time lightheartedly calling other people (declaring the Catholic faith) schismatics.
Patriarch Kirill: the last 'bastion' of Christianity?

West is hostile to Christianity, says Patriarch Kirill

PATRIARCH KIRILL of Moscow has accused European politicians of “leading their people to the abyss of moral and spiritual devastation” and has …
An intelligent read....

More Confusion About Same-Sex Blessings

With one minor exception, the Vatican's press release only accentuates aspects of Fiducia Supplicans that make it an obstacle to handing on, defending, and living …

What do you think 'he's' up to? I'd say manipulate those persons and confuse the Faithfuls!

OH, how sweet and cordial is Jorgo, inviting his "enemies" (but are they really or is it all a 'front'?) After the mean and unmerciful treatment that Bergoglio offered the people in the pictures, why …More
OH, how sweet and cordial is Jorgo, inviting his "enemies" (but are they really or is it all a 'front'?) After the mean and unmerciful treatment that Bergoglio offered the people in the pictures, why all of a sudden, he invites them over ...for an end of the year 'visit/chat/photoOp'? There is only one answer: he wants/needs to show the world of Catholics, that Burke (although left with no $ and apartment) is still IN COMMUNION with (the anti-pope) and therefore, by going to see that usurper dressed in white, Burke is 'asking forgiveness for his past actions', denying himself as a God-fearing Cardinal!! Also Bergoglio wants to gain back the popularity he has lost among Catholic Clerics and lay people all over the world (those smart ones that finally had enough of his heresies and apostasy) especially after his friend Tucho's Fernandez' (Author of heal me with your kisses 🤕 ) release of Fiducia Supplicans - the anti-Gospel document made to order for anti-Catholics rainbow colored! Not …More
paul arten
Like putting lipstick on a pig.
Opera 369

"Blessings" to "irregular couples"....!

Nobody needs to read this: these are just my thoughts and opinions, under free speech! So all of you obedient -so-meek but haughty - called 'catholics' who persisted on calling the satanists currently …More
Nobody needs to read this: these are just my thoughts and opinions, under free speech! So all of you obedient -so-meek but haughty - called 'catholics' who persisted on calling the satanists currently in the Vatican, PAPACY, especially the one dressed in white, who says he's preparing to be buried in Santa Maria Maggiore (that Church is now virtually desecrated since is 'his' favorite) ...SO... what do you say now? Before he finds his last throne of final rest, he has approved the document (their Gospel) which allows the "blessing of irregular couples"... meaning men/men, women/women....and who knows what else....! There you have it! No need to wait for the 2024 Synod on satanism, Francis and Fernandez are pushing their agenda relentlessly. So, 'obedient catholics' are you still going to Masses where they follow the Canon in communion with "Francis"? Vigano', Burke, Schneider, Matt, Strickland, Westin, DeMattei, Valli.......you have been blind all along, and if not 'blind', at least …More
Opera 369
@petrus100452 Who are you calling "coward"? The article has an author, and it is spelled out at the beginning of the article... Is it probable that …More
@petrus100452 Who are you calling "coward"? The article has an author, and it is spelled out at the beginning of the article... Is it probable that you are not able to read or discern.. dear Petrus 100452? Is this your 'birth given name'? I don't think so, maybe I should call you "coward" for not being here with your real name? Or by calling me "coward" you are calling "coward" yourself and everyone else on Gloria...!? No wonder society and religion is is such caos...people like Petrus, who should go by "shaking jello" not 'rock' for sure!
anonymus article... coward...
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Opera 369

Poor Jorgoglio...

because he knows exactly what he's doing, and does even purposely!
the last one to ,laugh , laughs better
Birds of a feather!
Opera 369
..as if we don't already have enough from all the evil people who "want to keep us safe"....(? really!) 😎

Pro-freedom congressman's attempt to repeal federal car 'kill switch' mandate fails - LifeSite

Fri Nov 10, 2023 - 5:10 pm ESTFri Nov 10, 2023 - 11:36 pm EST WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Republicans …
Opera 369

Jorge Francesco (man dressed in white reported to be 'feeling ill'(by Italian news)

Yeah, and Putin has cancer - yet Biden is in "good physical & cognitive health" 😴 🥱
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Opera 369
Sinister ....

Viral RFK Jr. Video Gets Deleted By “X”: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See

Freedom of speech, not reach,” is taking effect more than ever as Twitter (“X”) regresses to its 1.0 days. Ever since …
Opera 369

Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

Quickly but quietly, Big Pharma, Big Food, and various state governments are working to inject beef and …
Live Mike
Will their come a time when the general population in the USA cry out with a single voice, "ENOUGH of this... these servants of this prince of this …More
Will their come a time when the general population in the USA cry out with a single voice, "ENOUGH of this... these servants of this prince of this world and their accomplices must die to protect ourselves and our families!"
4 more comments
Opera 369
You have certainly heard of the "Synodal Process is a Pandora's Box"; if you would like, you may now see the 100 items, questions and answers content, to open up the eyes wider......

The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box: 100 Questions & Answers

Heretical voices within the Catholic Church clamor for change. Their radical agenda at the Synod on Synodality is clear: Distort doctrine …
Opera 369
This is the original The Pillar article, cited by LSN recently. For those who want to read the news.

Pope Francis meets to discuss Strickland resignation

At a meeting Saturday, Pope Francis discussed with Vatican officials the prospect of requesting the resignation of Bishop Joseph Strickland of the …
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Opera 369
....more of the same from the ... global 'philanthropists and humanity lovers' (not)

"I'm ill, but I want to live." Hospital asks judge to end her life

UNITED KINGDOM British doctors want to end the life of a fully conscious 19-year-old schoolgirl in intensive care because she can't get …
Opera 369
Have you heard the 'explosive news' from the mouth of that guy on the plane dressed in white in return from Mangolia? He answered the journalist that if he cannot make the trip to Vietnam next year, then …More
Have you heard the 'explosive news' from the mouth of that guy on the plane dressed in white in return from Mangolia? He answered the journalist that if he cannot make the trip to Vietnam next year, then "John XXIV" will! Did you get that? He assumes to know who will be his successor.. and his name: John XXIV!! Yup, everything down on the 'plan'...to follow. If you click on the link it will take you to the site (likely in Italian) all you need to do is look to the far right and see the option "Translate" choose your language from the menu.

Papa Francesco di ritorno dalla Mongolia: i prossimi viaggi? se non li farò io di sicuro andrà Giovanni XXIV

Senza commentare, per ora, vi lasciamo a meditare il testo integrale ed ufficiale dell’intervista (…
Don't worry, he was talking about his counter church. None of those after him and himself is in the St Malachy's. Last one is BXVI, tribulation (now),…More
Don't worry, he was talking about his counter church. None of those after him and himself is in the St Malachy's. Last one is BXVI, tribulation (now), Peter the Roman
Mary 17
Could be Peter the Roman if the prophecies of St Malachy are to be believed.
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Opera 369

The Climate Change Narrative Is a Depopulation Program - The White Rose

Deagel’s 2025 depopulation figures are a target; not an estimation. Because you’re no longer needed due to the birth of Artificial …
Yep. That's what it is all about.
Opera 369

Australia: Ecclesiastical Celibacy Under Review

One of the most listened to Australian prelates has just spoken publicly in favor of the ordination of married men. It is an intervention which is not by …
No man who isn't willing to take a vow of celibacy should even think about becoming a priest. Apparently, Newchurch intends to change that in that we …More
No man who isn't willing to take a vow of celibacy should even think about becoming a priest. Apparently, Newchurch intends to change that in that we will become more like protestants