
Pell: Evangelisation Is More Important than "Dialogue"

Cardinal Pell published on NcRegister.com, October 12, reflections on Vatican II and the German Synod. Highlights • Vatican II’s silence on [historic] Communism was the agreed price for the presence …More
Cardinal Pell published on NcRegister.com, October 12, reflections on Vatican II and the German Synod. Highlights
• Vatican II’s silence on [historic] Communism was the agreed price for the presence of Soviet block bishops and Russian-Orthodox observers. This silence skewed the Council’s perspectives on the struggle between good and evil and understated the menace of evil. Today we have a similar conformation of Christian truth to error.
• Vatican II proposed a dialogue among "people of goodwill" but overestimated the Church's capacity to participate as equal with the more powerful hostile forces which are present in every society.
• Vatican II's statements on marriage and the family don't offer a good preparation for the culture wars that are now dismantling the legal foundations of marriage and the family in many countries. Paul VI’s 1968 Humanae Vitae was more prophetic.
• Mission and struggle are more important than dialogue.
• The contribution of Trump, Orban, Fratelli d’Italia is …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Cardinal Pell slams German synod as ‘suicidal,’ warns of ‘serious heresies’
Alex A
Who on earth is Marysrose, and why has she seen fit to block me?
Alex A
@On the Contrary> What you have stated regarding blocking other bloggers is all very well in theory, but has little relevance to my original question[s]. I'm blocked by a Marysrose with whom I have had no dealings on any topic I might have engaged in. Had I not wanted to give Marysrose a thumbs up for a comment she[?] posted, I would have been none the wiser as to the blocking he or she has enforced …More
@On the Contrary> What you have stated regarding blocking other bloggers is all very well in theory, but has little relevance to my original question[s]. I'm blocked by a Marysrose with whom I have had no dealings on any topic I might have engaged in. Had I not wanted to give Marysrose a thumbs up for a comment she[?] posted, I would have been none the wiser as to the blocking he or she has enforced on me. It appears reasonable on my part to ask why?
Alex A
Thank you to all those who recently responded to my query regarding 'blocking' by one Marysrose. However, I am no nearer to my original questions being answered. It might well be it will remain thus so. Oh well, time to move on.
Vatican II produced NO DOGMA. The spirit of Vatican II is Modernism.
Malki Tzedek
In short, any council which has this many compromises is compromised. VII doesn't deserve to be celebrated; it needs to be revised, or discarded.