France: Pius X Priest on Trial

A priest of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, 58, , former superior of the USA (2008-2014), appeared before the criminal court in Gap, France, on 4th April. He is accused of indecently touching …More
A priest of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, 58, , former superior of the USA (2008-2014), appeared before the criminal court in Gap, France, on 4th April.
He is accused of indecently touching minors in the context of his work with young people in France between 2003 and 2006, and then within a family in 2013 and 2018.
The accused said he had "always fought against this attraction" and, perhaps in an attempt to blame others for his actions, claimed to have alerted the Fraternity on several occasions as early as 1998.
However, according to the Fraternity, it was not until 2014 that the priest's ambiguous and inappropriate behaviour was brought to their attention. The superiors immediately removed the priest from his apostolate. Since then he has been subject to appropriate disciplinary control within the fraternity.
In 2019, when the superiors of the fraternity learned of the existence of offences under the jurisdiction of the courts, they reported them to the police and strengthened …More
Most traditional priests are very good, 99%. But there is always 1 Judas.
Billy F
More Fruits of the Diabolical Revolution that has spread throughout the world!
The SSPX promote exemplary Catholic morals, and must live and be judged the same. The faithful (lambs) trust them explicitly, to the point they would question the victim rather than come to terms a Priest could be the offender. Unfortunately there has to be enablers within in the SSPX hierarchy. We should have the attitude if one lamb is compromised we are all compromised until the offender is with …More
The SSPX promote exemplary Catholic morals, and must live and be judged the same. The faithful (lambs) trust them explicitly, to the point they would question the victim rather than come to terms a Priest could be the offender. Unfortunately there has to be enablers within in the SSPX hierarchy. We should have the attitude if one lamb is compromised we are all compromised until the offender is with the Police.
"We should have the attitude if one lamb is compromised we are all compromised until the offender is with the Police."
Yes, certainly you have that attitude because you are liberals.
I have the Catholic attitude, the attitude of St. Thomas Becket which, due to the universal brainwashing, today is almost unthinkable, but was normal and lawful throughout centuries. That to ensure the Church freedom …More
"We should have the attitude if one lamb is compromised we are all compromised until the offender is with the Police."
Yes, certainly you have that attitude because you are liberals.
I have the Catholic attitude, the attitude of St. Thomas Becket which, due to the universal brainwashing, today is almost unthinkable, but was normal and lawful throughout centuries. That to ensure the Church freedom, no matter what, regardless of venial and very grave indeed sins of the priests the Church should be exempt from jurisdiction of the State, in particular the modern, Behemoth-like State.

Let's move back to the beginning of the 1st of 20th century (only 100 y ago) and read the Catholic Encyclopedia:

"The Church could not permit her clergy to be judged by laymen... The clergy, therefore, were exempt from civil jurisdiction, and this ancient rule was sanctioned by custom and confirmed by written laws. On this point the Church has always taken a firm stand; concessions have been wrung from her only where greater evils were to be avoided. Thus, in Christian antiquity, a Council of Aquileia condemned the bishop, Palladius, for demanding a civil trial, and a Council of Mileve decreed that clerics who strive to bring their lawsuits or disputes before secular judges should be deprived of their clerical dignity and removed from their offices. Innocent III reprehended the Archbishop of Pisa [c. 12, De foro competenti, X. (II, 2)] for maintaining that at least in temporal matters a cleric could renounce his right of exemption and appear before a secular court. Such action, said Innocent, was unlawful even when the conflicting parties agreed to submit the matter to civil magistrates. The ecclesiastical exemption was not a personal privilege; it belonged to the entire ecclesiastical body and could not be renounced by individuals."
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Ecclesiastical Courts
V.R.S. We have had at the bequest of the Vatican separation of Church and State.
The SSPX have a very poor track record of dealing with abusers as has the mainstream Church. Without Police intervention the number of victims will grow. If a cleric chooses to break civil law (that also happens to be a Commandment) then he must be tried by the same.
"We have had at the bequest of the Vatican separation of Church and State"
Definitely not. The separation of the Church and State is a masonic concept introduced long time ago in systems of States that incorporated masonic principles.
In the 1960's it was enforced on the Vatican by the Jewish and American pressure under the brand name of religious liberty plus pseudo-ecumenism.
"We have had at the bequest of the Vatican separation of Church and State"

Definitely not. The separation of the Church and State is a masonic concept introduced long time ago in systems of States that incorporated masonic principles.
In the 1960's it was enforced on the Vatican by the Jewish and American pressure under the brand name of religious liberty plus pseudo-ecumenism.
Now, it seems you want the omnipresent, Behemoth-like State that intoxicated even weak people in Eternal Rome to guard justice with respect to priests. Are you kidding?

" If a cleric chooses to break civil law (that also happens to be a Commandment) then he must be tried by the same."
It is your liberal illusion. He does not have to and it worked in history of Christianitas (do not mistake it for your "Masonitas") well throughout the centuries.
Roberto 55
People are sinners.
Satan always attack what is good and wants to destroy SSPX from the beginning...
Slave of the Immaculata
Those at the top of SSPX hierarchy who covered for him should be tried as well. This is not the first time, it appears to be the modus operandi.
Christine Niles has said that she has inside informants blowing the whistle. Yes, she has SSPX priests helping her expose this corruption. Pray for their safety.
Simon North
There needs to be some whistleblowers outing Christine Niles as to the long-time coverup of Michael Voris' behavior at Church Militant: "What did she know and when did she know it?" Her story of ignorance until just before she resigned from Church Militant just doesn't add up. She's getting a free pass - and undeservedly so. I suspect the problem is that his behavior was commonly known and everyone …More
There needs to be some whistleblowers outing Christine Niles as to the long-time coverup of Michael Voris' behavior at Church Militant: "What did she know and when did she know it?" Her story of ignorance until just before she resigned from Church Militant just doesn't add up. She's getting a free pass - and undeservedly so. I suspect the problem is that his behavior was commonly known and everyone was silent in order to keep Church Militant from going under and they losing their jobs - as it and they eventually did.
Slave of the Immaculata
Nobody cares about Church Militant. This is about SSPX corruption.
Simon North
Corruption is corruption.
Alex A
What corruption is being enabled by the SSPX?
A snake in shepherd’s clothing…to wound and violate children so pervertedly, and bring such disgrace and unspeakable shame upon the glorious work and sons of the late, great Archbishop Lefebvre, sullying his legacy and that of the entire Priestly Society, is monstrously reprehensible. The damage this does to Tradition is incomprehensible and incalculable, especially at a time when the whole Church …More
A snake in shepherd’s clothing…to wound and violate children so pervertedly, and bring such disgrace and unspeakable shame upon the glorious work and sons of the late, great Archbishop Lefebvre, sullying his legacy and that of the entire Priestly Society, is monstrously reprehensible. The damage this does to Tradition is incomprehensible and incalculable, especially at a time when the whole Church is being relentlessly attacked by vicious enemies and assaulted by those who hate her (both internal apostates as well as external infidels) and rabidly resent her dogmatic opposition to sodomy, and who seek, in their diabolical and debauched madness, to turn her away from the immutable truth about sin and its eternal consequences, and embrace a heretical lie. This degenerate should be rigorously and severely punished for his vile abominations and predatory criminal acts. He should be laicized, and if not rightfully imprisoned with a lengthy sentence by civil authorities, at least remanded to a sequestered life of quiet prayer and penance in an obscure monastery somewhere. Never to be seen nor heard from again, and where he can never harm or pollute another child.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Fr. Arnaud Rostand SSPX (former U.S. district superior of SSPX) has confessed and has been charged for sexually abusing MANY MINORS.
Sean Johnson
Which makes it curious that his name does not appear anywhere on the official SSPX public statement, and which, so far as I am aware, has not been released anywhere in English (even though he spent several years here as District Superior). It’s almost as though it were some kind of legal damage control strategy to avoid emboldening any potential American (and Canadian) victims/litigants from coming …More
Which makes it curious that his name does not appear anywhere on the official SSPX public statement, and which, so far as I am aware, has not been released anywhere in English (even though he spent several years here as District Superior). It’s almost as though it were some kind of legal damage control strategy to avoid emboldening any potential American (and Canadian) victims/litigants from coming forward and filing suit. If such were the case, would it not evince the SSPX openly sheltering a predator, even as it acknowledges his guilt?

Also outrageous that the French prosecutor is only seeking a 4-year SUSPENDED sentence. Is that country so far gone that one can be a serial child molester without fear of spending a single day behind bars?

Final question: How much of the SSPX ralliement to modernist Rome (and all the compromises, changes, and contradiction with previous positions which comprise it) is the result of corrupt superiors being blackmailed? If it is true, as former US District Superior, Fr. Jurgen Wegner is reported by Nikes to have said, that there are hundreds of abuse cases in the Society (and that’s only the ones he knows of), it suggests a widespread corruption among leadership, and that unfortunate circumstance would certainly make Society superiors vulnerable to blackmail (and therefore control). In the secular sphere, we had the Epstein Island blackmail operation, to ensure only politicians guilty of abominable crimes were electable candidates, who would therefore be subject to external coercion and control.

Has something similar gained control of the SSPX, to lead it into subservience to the deep church/ conciliar church, for the destruction of Tradition, under the specious pretext of legal recognition (which Lefebvre had rejected after 1988 for so long as Rome did not return to Tradition)?

Perhaps this is all way off base, but how can one help wondering, if the corruption is as widespread as Fr. Wegner says?
Sean Johnson
The notice has now been scrubbed from the French District website. This is the typical modus operandi.
Sean Johnson
I know the news (and name) are public. But not from the SSPX statement. To learn the identity of the priest the SSPX was speaking about, which is omitted from the statement, one had to turn to secular French media sources.
Naomi Arai
He is considered innocent until proven guilty, as is any suspect in a criminal case…
Sean Johnson
He admitted it all, and stated he was at court to be punished.
Sick….the Priesthood is a sewer…everywhere. 😡🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
May it please God to raise up a Holy Pope burning with Heavenly zeal and filled with righteous indignation, who will cleanse and purify it — and the whole Church — by the power of the Holy Ghost.
The Priesthood is NOT a sewer everywhere! Go to confession " SonoftheChurch"
@rhemes1582 Yes, it is. On every continent, practically in every nation, almost in every diocese, and virtually in every Order and Society regardless of how historically conservative or deeply traditional. And THIS very sad, sick, unspeakably unfortunate incident is a minuscule example of the horrific depth and degree to which monstrous filth and abominable perversion has utterly contaminated the …More
@rhemes1582 Yes, it is. On every continent, practically in every nation, almost in every diocese, and virtually in every Order and Society regardless of how historically conservative or deeply traditional. And THIS very sad, sick, unspeakably unfortunate incident is a minuscule example of the horrific depth and degree to which monstrous filth and abominable perversion has utterly contaminated the Priesthood throughout the whole Church and around the entire world. And if you can’t SEE that, then you are diabolically blind as a bat and in a chronic state of darkness, denial and delusion, having been deceived by the devil himself, and should therefore, “go to confession.”
@SonoftheChurch If you don't know any good priests, I suspect you are not practicing the Catholic Faith.
Sally Dorman
Lawyers for Rostand dismissed claims that Rostand was a dangerous predator, calling him “a weak, fragile, reprehensible man.”
Sally Dorman
According to one victim, a former student at an SSPX academy where Rostand taught: “He gave me massages on my penis. During a boat trip, he offered to drive me, then he held me by the shoulders until he caressed my stomach and my genitals under my swimsuit.”
Another former student testified that during a scouting trip in Spain, “He asked to take a shower with me. Then he touched my penis and took …More
According to one victim, a former student at an SSPX academy where Rostand taught: “He gave me massages on my penis. During a boat trip, he offered to drive me, then he held me by the shoulders until he caressed my stomach and my genitals under my swimsuit.”
Another former student testified that during a scouting trip in Spain, “He asked to take a shower with me. Then he touched my penis and took my testicles in his hands in dead silence.”
Alex A
@Sally Dorman Why the neccesity for detailed descriptiion?
Carol H
Agree with Alex A. Such detail is unnecessary and, I would add, damaging in itself; especially given that young people use this forum.