Now that Becciu has resigned, and lost his privileges as a member of the College of Cardinals, it might be wise to revisit some of those earlier personnel moves. How did he thwart so many would-be reformers? How did he gain enough influence to survive for so long, even as the questions multiplied about his financial dealings?

Cardinal Becciu departs—only after ousting would-be reformers

By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Sep 25, 2020 At last, decisive action to address financial corruption at the Vatican! At last …
@Dr Bobus Catholics aren't allowed to mention any wrongdoing directly attributable to Benedict's policies. Didn't you get the memo? It reads: "Everything that's wrong with the Church and the Vatican today officially began the moment Pope Francis was elected. All problems appeared out of thin air after Bergoglio became Francis. There were no prior causes. None."
Dr Bobus
I agree about popes liked by conservatives. I used to say during JPII's papacy that they think JPII appointed the good bishhops. The bad bishops appointed themselves.
I don't think it was a matter of policy. Ratzinger was never a player in Curial maneuvering and was not really aware of who could fit the Sec of State job description. When he ws elected, I wondered whether Ruini might be named. He …More
I agree about popes liked by conservatives. I used to say during JPII's papacy that they think JPII appointed the good bishhops. The bad bishops appointed themselves.

I don't think it was a matter of policy. Ratzinger was never a player in Curial maneuvering and was not really aware of who could fit the Sec of State job description. When he ws elected, I wondered whether Ruini might be named. He is said to be the one who organized the victory in the conclave. He is also smart.

Bertone is not very impressive, intellectually or politically. His main qualification was that he had been the Secretary at the Holy Office.
Dr Bobus
Becciu didn't appoint himself. He was made Sostituto by Bertone, who was Benedict's Sec of State.
Bergoglio's court jester. What a sad joke Lawler has become. Almost sounds like an American bishop. The lowest life form known to man.
Bergoglio takes decisive action every day to destroy Holy Mother Church, yet this attempt to cya is now hailed as "decisive" and true reform.
False pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected for one thing and one alone:
Destroy Holy Mother Church. Do these eggheads like …More
Bergoglio's court jester. What a sad joke Lawler has become. Almost sounds like an American bishop. The lowest life form known to man.

Bergoglio takes decisive action every day to destroy Holy Mother Church, yet this attempt to cya is now hailed as "decisive" and true reform.

False pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected for one thing and one alone:

Destroy Holy Mother Church. Do these eggheads like Mirus and and his bud Lawler really(?) care? Enough to start telling it straight--like Phil once did in "Faithful Departed"?!

Come on Gents. There's a war on.

In Corde Christi