
Cardinal Pell Congratulates Francis - Who Dropped Him - For Removing Becciu

Francis “was elected to clean up the Vatican finances,” “plays a long game," and is to be "congratulated on recent developments,” Cardinal George Pell wrote in a September 25 statement. “I hope the …More
Francis “was elected to clean up the Vatican finances,” “plays a long game," and is to be "congratulated on recent developments,” Cardinal George Pell wrote in a September 25 statement.
“I hope the cleaning of the stables continues in both the Vatican and Victoria,” Pell added. The Vatican’s former Prefect for the Economy detected the off-books loans for the shadowy Vatican deals in London and was considered Becciu's leading opponent. Therefore, Francis quickly dropped him.
Edward Pentin confirmed the authenticity of Pell’s statement that was questioned because Pell refers to Victoria, the federated Australian state where a corrupt juridical system condemned him although he was innocent.
I do believe in Christianity, and my impression is that a system must be divine which has survived so much insane mismanagement.
Full statement as sent to press
Becciu's fall from grace is a second vindication of Cardinal Pell.
Vengeance belong to me says the Lord: Indeed, those who were involved in the diabolical witch hunt against a true apostle of Christ will face the wrath of God.
As it happened, Becciu gone, Victorian state government health minister gone, next will be the main culprit (a socialist & hater of the Catholic Church) Daniel Andrews gone & by their own sword Victorian police are no longer respected. God …More
Vengeance belong to me says the Lord: Indeed, those who were involved in the diabolical witch hunt against a true apostle of Christ will face the wrath of God.

As it happened, Becciu gone, Victorian state government health minister gone, next will be the main culprit (a socialist & hater of the Catholic Church) Daniel Andrews gone & by their own sword Victorian police are no longer respected. God is good, let us trust in him for he will make all things right!
Is Pell's connection between Vatican and Victoria in this phrase a hidden message? There were always rumours about a possible Roman participating in Pell’s persecution by the Victorian Police. Perhaps Becciu is such a connection? Just asking.
Freemasons in the church & every country...!
Tesa I think you are on to something here! Ave Maria protect the Church