Angelo Lopez

Vatican Forcefully Denies Claim Pope Francis Said Jesus Was Not God

Vatican Forcefully Denies Claim Pope Francis Said Jesus Was Not God By Paul Bois Alessandra Benedetti via Getty Images Facebook Twitter Mail Controversy erupted this week when atheist …More
Vatican Forcefully Denies Claim Pope Francis Said Jesus Was Not God
By Paul Bois

Alessandra Benedetti via Getty Images
Controversy erupted this week when atheist Italian journalist Eugenio Scalfari published a serious charge in an article for the center-left outlet La Repubblica — namely, that Pope Francis previously told him in a private interview that Jesus Christ was not God. If true, this would be a blatant statement of heresy that denies the Nicene Creed and the Catechism.…
The headline here does not correspond to the reality. Bergoglio still has not retracted. still has not confessed the Divinity of Jesus. Can't even figure how to do it. Scalfari told the truth.
Gesù è con noi
But if Bergoglio constantly attacks the Reign of Jesus Christ, there is no need to ask, but only to analyze the facts that prove his apostasy.
Archbishop Vigano, "Liar!"
Perhaps it is splitting hairs, but Scalfari didn't interview 'the Vatican', he interviewed his good friend Pope Francis. Would it be too much to ask for Pope Francis to 'forcefully deny' his 'friend's' claims? Then again, actions speak louder than words.... I trust the homoheretics at the Vatican. No faith left.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle