
Pope Francis Has "Transsexuals Close To His Heart"

Pope Francis sent an email to sister Mónica Astorga, a Carmelite of Centenario, Argentina, after he learned that the sisters are building a house for "trans women", to wit, homosexual prostitutes and …More
Pope Francis sent an email to sister Mónica Astorga, a Carmelite of Centenario, Argentina, after he learned that the sisters are building a house for "trans women", to wit, homosexual prostitutes and drug-addicts who dress like women. Francis wrote to the sister, "You and your convent are close to my heart, as well as the people with whom you are working. You can tell them this."
According to lmneuquen.com Francis wrote to Sister Mónica before claiming about transsexuals that "they [Spanish: ellas, feminine] are the lepers of today."
Picture: © Jeffrey Bruno, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsWwekccitzq
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GJA Taylor
Pope Francis please resign and go home to Argentina. You are a hopeless bishop (of Rome) why you were ordained? Was the Sacrament invalid? Just askin? As you are very clear you think most sacraments are for married people. Could you just resign and hold everything to your heart in Argentina, away from cameras, away from your PR manager ( how much does he get paid by the way?) Just asking. Where does …More
Pope Francis please resign and go home to Argentina. You are a hopeless bishop (of Rome) why you were ordained? Was the Sacrament invalid? Just askin? As you are very clear you think most sacraments are for married people. Could you just resign and hold everything to your heart in Argentina, away from cameras, away from your PR manager ( how much does he get paid by the way?) Just asking. Where does the money come from for your hotel suite? Just asking?
Maybe you would be more humble if you returned to your humble flat in Argentina, where you could ride the bus and walk to get your hair cut, like so many other old age pensioners. Please do go. Then we would hold you in our heart and thank Almighty God for your humility.
vandlent shares this

But there are no "transsexuals"
Angie W.
Bergoglio in rebellion with Scripture promotes sex change and gender ideology of transvestites ex-prostitutes and he is doing proselytism to a Gay NGO "Vidas escondidas" that operates in a Catholic monastery in Neuquén-Argentina and the Argentina local Catholic church gave the NGO a land to build houses for gay adults and also what the heretical marxist nun want now is to build a new small version …More
Bergoglio in rebellion with Scripture promotes sex change and gender ideology of transvestites ex-prostitutes and he is doing proselytism to a Gay NGO "Vidas escondidas" that operates in a Catholic monastery in Neuquén-Argentina and the Argentina local Catholic church gave the NGO a land to build houses for gay adults and also what the heretical marxist nun want now is to build a new small version of Sodoma and Gomorra 15 houses for gay travesties Not repentant of transvestism or of the vice of sodomy. Bergoglio has been supporting the heretical nun since 2009. And Bergoglio called Girls the homosexual travesti : "They are the lepers GIRLS of this age."
Una ONG de homosexuales travestis de Neuquén, obtuvo su personería jurídica
How do we distinguish hanging out with sinners as JC did (with sinners and tax collectors), without seeming to accept their behavior as is? I fear that some of these folk who want to welcome sinners have not the least plan or intent for encouraging them to a better way of life. Whether intentionally or not, it seems they implicitly or worse, explicitly condone or even pronounce as good the sin.
The Vatican is responsible for the most serious crimes against humanity
The Vatican should strive for the salvation of believers through repentance and for the conversion of non-believers through mission. The Vatican should fight for the orthodox teaching against the heresies of the “gates of hell” (Mt 16:18). If today the Vatican still appeals to the authority of the Apostle Peter, it is obliged …More
The Vatican is responsible for the most serious crimes against humanity

The Vatican should strive for the salvation of believers through repentance and for the conversion of non-believers through mission. The Vatican should fight for the orthodox teaching against the heresies of the “gates of hell” (Mt 16:18). If today the Vatican still appeals to the authority of the Apostle Peter, it is obliged to follow him in repentance!

What is the Vatican silent on and what does it support today?

We are witnesses to a global process of hidden and purposeful change of thought – antimetanoia. It affects de facto all areas of life.

Juvenile justice stands behind the crimes of social services. In Norway, the number of suicides of stolen children has risen up recently to 96 per year! Children stolen from families by social services suffer mental torment, are sexually abused and tyrannized. Information about this violence is “confidential”, but one hypocritically talks about so-called family violence. What is nowadays labelled as “family violence” is a sound natural upbringing coupled with the love of parents for their own child. Contemporary church leaders and society are silent! They thus become culprits in the most cruel crimes committed against innocent children!

Gender ideology

Social architects of globalization are planning total destruction of the family institution in order to divide the society into a kind of breeds. According to gender ideology, it will be forbidden to distinguish who is a man and who is a woman. In addition, these mentally disturbed individuals will become slaves of demons through narcotics, alcohol, and sexual perversion. Most will end up committing suicidal euthanasia. Demoralization of mankind, coupled with satanization, leads to global genocide.

In England, an experiment was conducted in 120 schools. On the basis of gender ideology, transsexualism was defined as a norm. The children’s minds were instilled with the idea that they are not who they are. They were taught what they must go through to change their sex. The children could not mentally cope with the vision laid before them and almost 100% considered suicide, and 50% attempted it.

The internet too is being exploited to programme suicide in children’s minds in the form of a game. As part of the reduction of humanity, all crimes and criminal systems are supported.

The principle now applied: What was once of benefit to mankind must now lead to its self-destruction. For example the UN– today this organization supports the most serious crimes against humanity (so-called sexual education, gender ideology, child stealing...).

Healthcare: Destructive occultism is promoted through so-called alternative medicine (acupuncture associated with divination and the magic of so-called yin and yang...). Scientific medicine promotes abortion, harmful vaccines, microchipping of children, euthanasia, purchase of human organs from criminals...

Education: Demoralization, occultism and irresponsibility are being promoted from nursery schools through all levels of education. Antinatural paradigms disturb the mind, reason and conscience. It is a programmed moral, intellectual and spiritual devastation.

Culture today also devastates society.

Mass media and the Internet are in the hands of globalists and reducers of mankind with the spirit of death.

A virtual society is being created. Moral values are denied (see Amoris Laetitia). Crimes become unpunishable because they are not criminalized.

Why do people not resist the genocidal system? Why do they cooperate on their suicide? This is the mystery of evil in man – original sin the essence of which is self-deception with a programme of gradual self-destruction, both temporal and eternal. The spirit of the world programmes lies which unite with the seed of lies in the soul of man and open it to the spirit of lies, the devil! Man becomes his slave. “The devil is a liar and a murderer.” (Joh 8:44) He transforms himself into an angel of light, and so do his servants (2Cor 12:4f).

Jesus Christ said: “Metanoite – Change your mind, and believe in the Gospel!” (Mk 1:15) The NWO apostles with the spirit of antichrist, by contrast, strive for antimetanoia – they are transforming the natural way of thinking into a perverted one. They work psychologically to excite passions connected with the hotbed of evil in man. They use the mass media, the influence of the apostate Church hierarchy, the education system, culture, decadent music, narcotics, promotion of sexual perversion... They promote the slogan: “Enjoy yourself!” The Vatican is silent or cooperates. It develops a pseudo theology of love, mercy and respect for perversion.

How can the Vatican be a conscience for the believers and the world if it supports satanic globalization? It approves perversion (e.g. the kissing of the feet of transsexuals), promotes the Islamization of Europe, and denies the existence of basic moral norms (see Amoris Laetitia). The Vatican must repent of heresies of the Second Vatican Council, which are the poisoned root of that all. It must renounce false reverence for pagan religions and thus even for their demons! It must renounce the heresy of identifying the Triune God with Allah, the highest (akbar) of 360 pagan gods of Mecca. Through Vatican II, the spirit of the world (of aggiornamento) denied the fundamental truths of faith and morals.

Today, an antichristian system is being introduced worldwide, whose aim is genocide of humanity. The Vatican is silent, and therefore it is more guilty than those who directly introduce this system!

The NWO architects and their predecessors, Freemasons and the Illuminati, were well aware of the role of the Vatican. They pulled strings for Roncalli, who had been convicted of Modernist heresy in 1911, to be elected Pope under the name of John XXIII. They did the same in the case of Bergoglio (Francis) who has the same spirit. Roncalli’s main task was to open the Council in 1962, and to hand over the leadership of the Council to disguised Modernists! Through Vatican II, a new programme was embodied with the spirit of the world (aggiornamento), and the Spirit of Truth was expelled. At that time, no one suspected what a self-destructive process of the Church but also of humanity had been launched!

The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, and today the Vatican does not represent this Body of Christ any more. If Catholics want to be saved, they cannot be in spiritual unity with the apostate Vatican.

Only if the Vatican repents, it will stop being a curse for the deceived Catholics and then it will no longer be responsible for the prepared holocaust of mankind!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

7 June 2017

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