We Have Crucified Our Lord Again. Catholic liturgy has gone out of control.More
We Have Crucified Our Lord Again.
Catholic liturgy has gone out of control.
Es wird ein grosses Gericht über diese Welt ergehen. Danach gibt es nur noch die ehrwürdige Messe aller Zeiten.
On Guard
And yet, the SSPX priests who really follow the True Catholic Church are not "worthy to be in communion"..... It makes one wonder how far satan has melted into the catholic church!!More

And yet, the SSPX priests who really follow the True Catholic Church are not "worthy to be in communion"..... It makes one wonder how far satan has melted into the catholic church!!
setki razy krzyzujemy Chrystusa kazdego dnia, najwiekszym zaś bólem jest brak milosci blizniego, sarkazm, szyderstwo, ironia, brak empatii i obojetność. Reszta zas którą obserwujemy to juz jedynie skutki naszych działan ✍️
po owocach...
Jesajafuture shares this
Kirchen- und Messmissbräuche u. Skandale.
Satans Pläne, die Kirche von innen zu zerstören durch Angleichung in einer AbwärtsspiraleMore
Kirchen- und Messmissbräuche u. Skandale.

Satans Pläne, die Kirche von innen zu zerstören durch Angleichung in einer Abwärtsspirale
Ohyda spustoszenia! 🙏
Michel-René Landry
Latin liturgy reference
Latin mass:
The Latin mass! Who wants to hear the truth???
Ascent of Mt. Tabor: Latin Mass - Ascent of Mt. Tabor By Fr. Calvin Goodwin
Latin mass study: Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP
Latin mass study: Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP
Extraordinary form of the mass explain:
Fr. Goodwin's Spiritual Commentary on the Mass
Latin liturgy reference

Latin mass:
The Latin mass! Who wants to hear the truth???
Ascent of Mt. Tabor: Latin Mass - Ascent of Mt. Tabor By Fr. Calvin Goodwin
Latin mass study: Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP
Latin mass study: Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP

Extraordinary form of the mass explain:
Fr. Goodwin's Spiritual Commentary on the Mass

Summorum pontificum
Spread this letter.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Indignant Catholic
What we've lost: O Que Perdemos...
The Mass of the Future: A Missa do FuturoMore
What we've lost: O Que Perdemos...

The Mass of the Future: A Missa do Futuro
ordentliche Form...... 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
TRISTÍSIMO...Verdaderamente triste... Oh Preciosísima Sangre, sana las heridas en el Sacratísimo Corazón de Jesús; permite por Tu Gran Misericordia que yo te consuele de alguna forma, aunque no te merezca mi Jesús, Ten piedad de nosotros, que somos pecadores.
How many of the clergymen in this video are actually celibate?
I would lay odds.............
Wow! what perish or church are these? Very sad how they treat our Lord and invent their own way of worshiping Him. 🤬
May we all continue to pray for holy Church, and priest..More
Wow! what perish or church are these? Very sad how they treat our Lord and invent their own way of worshiping Him. 🤬

May we all continue to pray for holy Church, and priest..
Michel-René Landry
This is a Latin liturgy reference:
Latin mass:
The Latin mass! Who wants to hear the truth???
Ascent of Mt. Tabor: Latin Mass - Ascent of Mt. Tabor By Fr. Calvin Goodwin
Latin mass study: Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP
Latin mass study: Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP
Extraordinary form of the mass explain:
Fr. Goodwin's Spiritual Commentary on the Mass
This is a Latin liturgy reference:

Latin mass:
The Latin mass! Who wants to hear the truth???
Ascent of Mt. Tabor: Latin Mass - Ascent of Mt. Tabor By Fr. Calvin Goodwin
Latin mass study: Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP
Latin mass study: Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP

Extraordinary form of the mass explain:
Fr. Goodwin's Spiritual Commentary on the Mass

Summorum pontificum
Spread this letter.
Pagan worship.
Michel-René Landry
HEY! Thanks for posting this prayer.
It will fruitfull.
unio oratiónem
una voce dicentes...
deo gratias!!More
HEY! Thanks for posting this prayer.
It will fruitfull.

unio oratiónem
una voce dicentes...
deo gratias!!
✍️ When you see that Jesus is not being given the worship due to Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, do as the angel of Fatima told the children "console your God" say this prayer - "Oh Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in …More
✍️ When you see that Jesus is not being given the worship due to Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, do as the angel of Fatima told the children "console your God" say this prayer - "Oh Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and
indifferences by which He is offended.
By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
Amen." What an amazing thing that we can "console our God" - Rene
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