If Bill Gates was a “Radical Catholic” Bill Gates has a net worth of 97 billion dollars. If Bill Gates was a radical Catholic, in the sense that he had a burning desire to correct or make better the …More
If Bill Gates was a “Radical Catholic”
Bill Gates has a net worth of 97 billion dollars.
If Bill Gates was a radical Catholic, in the sense that he had a burning desire to correct or make better the Roman Catholic Church. He and his money, if invested the right way, could bring drastic change to the Vatican.
For example, Mr. Gates can start an organization that would arm lay people with Canon lawyers upon thier request. In other words, any catholic can have the ability to hire a canon lawyer if he or she felt that the local priest or bishop was attacking thier Faith or soul. This organization would be free of charge for all Catholics and would give people the ability to be heard or challenge local church authority in court.
The Vatican 2 and all of its errors have opened the doors for evil individuals to take our money and water down the faith. For this reason, 2019 is filled with Lukewarm Catholics that do not have the “passion to know the truth” so most of these demons dressed up as …More
Alex A
He would still be an idiot!!!
Gates is not Catholic at all. Never was.
The post states “if “ he was catholic
What you wrote is not clear. You used quotation marks around radical Catholic which implies that he is Catholic, but not a radical Catholic, and that if he was a radical Catholic he would act differently.
i dont think he is even catholic,we dont need more money ,in the church, what we need is holly sheppards that love the Truth
You did not get the point.
Put the money in church members hands, so we can hire a canon lawyers and sue the pants off crooked priests...
I tell you this, money may not solve the churches problem, but sure can put a squeeze on the church financially. Remember it’s our money that keeps them running. If we stop paying them and demand some answers....
Dr Bobus
The problems in the Church cannot be solved with money.
Canon lawyers can pack a punch, a lawsuit can destroy a wicked person financially take them out of a position.
Dr Bobus
Most canon lawyers do little except work on the marriage tribunal--and perhaps advise a bishop now and then. In order to have a case in the Roman court, a canon lawyer must first qualify--and that includes fluency in Latin.
Instead he is an anti-Catholic like his wife who claims she is Catholic. They fund and peddle contraception and abortion all over the world. They serve the devil.