The Killer Protected by the Law. An undercover investigative group shows a prominent late-term abortionist joking about the abortion procedure and telling women not to seek emergency care if something …More
The Killer Protected by the Law.
An undercover investigative group shows a prominent late-term abortionist joking about the abortion procedure and telling women not to seek emergency care if something were to go wrong.
A Maryland medical examiner determined that the death of one of his pacients, Jennifer Morbelli, was a direct result of a late-term abortion Dr. Carhart performed at his Maryland clinic. According to the Baltimore chief medical examiner’s office, the 29-year-old school teacher died from “amniotic fluid embolism following termination of pregnancy” as well as widespread internal bleeding.
Light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
lux et veritas
The government will continue their heinous legalization of child killing in spite of these horrific and sad stories. It's all about population control...even though Obama doesn't have a problem with keeping people on welfare and inviting illegals into our country. The picture is so plain to see, yet people have remained blind from the truth. Miserere nobis!