The end times. People seem to be very concerned with the latest news about pope Francis and the church. Many Lukewarm Catholics spend lots of time worrying about the end times and wonder when the world …More
The end times.
People seem to be very concerned with the latest news about pope Francis and the church. Many Lukewarm Catholics spend lots of time worrying about the end times and wonder when the world is going to end. The harsh reality is nobody knows the exact hour Jesus will return. The important reality that people must worry about is our individual end time and Jesus returning at death. In other words, the only end times for us is at our individual funerals, we must not worry about the world ending but worry more about the hour of death. The only certain aspect of reality is that at death, our soul will pop out of the body and be face to face with Jesus. The Devil likes to keep us busy with latest news updates, knowing that our souls may be weak. It is said that a malnurished soul cannot rise up into the light of Jesus after the body has died. The only way to keep ours souls strong is through serious use of the sacraments. Weekly confessions will burn demons off. The real end times …More