A moment with Mary. by h2Onews on Dec 4, 2012More
A moment with Mary.
by h2Onews on Dec 4, 2012
gerard paul
Sainte Vierge Marie ,garde nous protège nous de toutes les abominations que le tentateur nous fait miroiter et que nos guides politiques ont accepté .Viens Seigneur Jésus.
🤗 LIVE, 16:00, Rosenkranz, Vatikan: 👍
🙏 A las 4, hora de Roma, (dentro de 10 minutos, más o menos), pueden rezar el rosario, en directo, desde el Vaticano: 👍
One more comment from Irapuato
🙏 Rosario lunedi-venerdi, 16:00, Vaticano: 👍
🧐 Chers Amis. Souffriez que mon intrusion "temporelle" soit mise en commentaire à la suite de ce si sublime message, qui nous rapelle, d'une si belle façon l'importance de notre sincère et indispensable implication dans la Prière et le spirituel. Mais les temps sont graves et nous devons intervenir sur tous les plans dont celui qui suit :…
🧐 Chers Amis. Souffriez que mon intrusion "temporelle" soit mise en commentaire à la suite de ce si sublime message, qui nous rapelle, d'une si belle façon l'importance de notre sincère et indispensable implication dans la Prière et le spirituel. Mais les temps sont graves et nous devons intervenir sur tous les plans dont celui qui suit :…

Catholic initiatives against Hollande’s bill continue after the big demonstration in Paris
Antoine-Marie Izoard
After the mobilisation of tens of thousands of French Catholics for a “day of fasting and prayer for France and the family” the Vatican is now following suit. Since about a month ago, Centro San Lorenzo, a centre which brings young people around the Vatican together, is organising …More
Catholic initiatives against Hollande’s bill continue after the big demonstration in Paris
Antoine-Marie Izoard
After the mobilisation of tens of thousands of French Catholics for a “day of fasting and prayer for France and the family” the Vatican is now following suit. Since about a month ago, Centro San Lorenzo, a centre which brings young people around the Vatican together, is organising daily Rosary prayer sessions in St. Peter’s Square at 16:00 with the big World Youth day cross. Today’s prayer, which readers can watch in live streaming on the Internet ( is dedicated especially to France, where numerous Catholics are busy protesting against President François Hollande’s same-sex marriage bill which would give gay couples the right to marry and adopt.

Whoever attends the prayer sessions in St. Peter’s Square will be in communion with 35,000 French Catholics who took part in the initiative launched a few weeks ago by a group of lay fathers and mothers. “Tous en prière pour la famille” (which roughly translates as “Everyone in prayer for the family is an initiative backed by some French bishops, including the Archbishop of Lyon, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin.

The Apostolic Nuncio to Paris, Mgr. Luigi Ventura, also gave his encouragement for this day of prayer and fasting. In a message to the organisers, the Pope’s representative in France wrote: “We welcome this initiative which is being supported by thousands of faithful, who are committed to asking the Lord to preserve the family according to his creational intent.”

Mgr. Ventura said he hoped this silent mobilisation would be successful. It echoes the louder demonstration which took place on 13 January, when more than half a million people marched through the streets of Paris.…/nozze-gay-gay-m…