National underwear day/no pants subway ride. New York City has become a sess pool for demons. America the land of the great, and its greatest capital has been making a mockery for all of humanity. For …More
National underwear day/no pants subway ride.
New York City has become a sess pool for demons. America the land of the great, and its greatest capital has been making a mockery for all of humanity. For the past several years demonic ideas like national underwear day and no pants subway rides, have been publicly displayed. Not only insulting God but making it nearly impossible for catholic parents to teach children about modesty. These ridiculously scheduled days of sin, are just another attack from the devil, on American families...
In combination with the newly signed late term abortion bill, one can be certain that God will allow Newyork city to turn into rubble!!!…/the-no-pants-su…
alex j
Complete idiot!!!
Then there's "that guy" who reminds everyone why wearing clothes why clothes were invented in the first place. :D
He is perfect! Talk about a show stopper! 👏
I suppose "show stopper" is how charitable Christians say, "I started gagging". :D
Well, not quite! I charitably assumed he was taking the p1ss! The expressions on the narcissists surrounding him are delightful. I'm quite sure he's a man who has decided that mockery is the best weapon!
Looks like a scene from Sodom just prior to the wrath of God descending upon it.
Stupid staged events usually at least attempt to appear to be drawing attention to some moral injustice. But not this bunch. @Lalanz, this is a great opportunity to point out useless, depraved minds in the U.S. Note it has spread to other countries as well.
New York City, the pagan capital!!!