Transwoman Aayden Gallagher wins the girls' 200-meter dash at the Sherwood Need for Speed Classic in Sherwood, Oregon, with a new record.
No such thing as a "transwoman". Just a male cheat in women's clothing, stealing the prize from the women. It's best if we don't use the enemy's terms.
Too bad the girls just don't refuse to run with men. That would show real courage but sadly it won't happen.
Everyday for Life Canada
What an empty victory. Why do real women bother to run against a biological man?
chris griffin
Liam Ronan
"Men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses" Dorothy Parker very perceptive. She also said "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone."
Hugh N. Cry
Way to go man, great job dude. 🤪