
Normand Thomas, Founder of a New Religion on GloriaTV. Love is the new God. The physical writers of the Holy Scriptures (Bible) have nothing more than us!

I also wrote this comment, now removed by Normand Thomas, on the deleted page (Normand Thomas 53. God cannot curse).
"For the author of Genesis, by this biblical passage ... The author had not yet learned to distinguish between evil... ''
Apparently, the fact that God is the Author of the Book of Genesis didn't come to your mind.
''We know that God cannot reprove, condemn, curse, this is absolutely …More
I also wrote this comment, now removed by Normand Thomas, on the deleted page (Normand Thomas 53. God cannot curse).

"For the author of Genesis, by this biblical passage ... The author had not yet learned to distinguish between evil... ''

Apparently, the fact that God is the Author of the Book of Genesis didn't come to your mind.

''We know that God cannot reprove, condemn, curse, this is absolutely not in his nature.''

Who is ''we''?

God can send a curse on one’s flesh (Numbers 12:10).

About the soul, God can condemn or curse someone following a sin or a life of sin. If one is still alive, there is always some hope for Salvation. One can escape from the Hell already present in his soul. The sentence or condemnation can be removed.

The difference with a normal situation of a sinner is that the removal of a pronounced condemnation is difficult to achieve.

But when someone has been thrown in the physical Hell that is not in this Universe, only then his condemnation is eternal.

''God doesn’t curse. He doesn’t need God to condemn and condemn himself. ''

????? I prefer not commenting about this part.

To explore the word κατάρα (curse) in the New Testament, I suggest this reading: Galatians chapter 3

For as many as are of (under the) works of law, are under a curse; for it is written: Cursed is every one that abides not in all things that are written in the book of the law, to do (persevere in doing) them.

11 But that in law no one is justified with God is evident; because the just (the one who is righteous) by faith shall live;

12 and the law is not of faith, but he that does them shall live in them.

13 Christ has bought us off from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written: Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree;
Normand Thomas removed a comment on the page linked in this post, I will put it here in picture.
Oh, thank you, Adrien. I see his posts all the time. They look like they are to lead us closer to God. It is not easy to catch things which are not right, indeed, contrary to the Faith. I think this kind of thing is happening a lot now, on this, a Catholic Site, as well as on other sites. 🙏