Gloria TV News on the Feast of Seven Founders of the Order of Servites. Homosexual Priest Fights Against Catholic Website Canada Father Raymond Gravel is a former homosexual prostitute and was remember …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of Seven Founders of the Order of Servites.

Homosexual Priest Fights Against Catholic Website


Father Raymond Gravel is a former homosexual prostitute and was remember of the Canadian Parliament. He is suing the Catholic website LifeSite News for libel. Among the charges is that LifeSite allegedly misrepresented him by identifying him as pro-abortion, when he says he is "pro-choice." Father Gravel's suit asks for $500,000 in damages. A judgment in his favor would shut down LifeSite News. Even the costs of a legal defense will threaten the future of the independent Catholic news agency.

The British Government Wants to Lift the Ban


The British government will propose an end to the current ban on religious ceremonies to formalize same-sex partnerships. A new policy proposal would authorize churches to solemnize gay "marriages." But government leaders say that no church would be required to offer such ceremonies. The f has indicated that it will not allow gay partnership ceremonies in Anglican churches.

Why He Became A Catholic


Allen Hunt, a talk-radio host whose show is broadcast on 150 stations, has discussed his conversion to the Church in a Catholic newspaper interview. Hunt is a former megachurch pastor. He says that there were three big things that led to me entering the Church. First, Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist. Secondly, a critical stance against the Protestant principle of doctrine by democracy. Third, Jesus’ prayer in John 17 where Jesus pleads for unity in the body of Christ. The Protestant church has split into 33,000 different strands – Hunt remarks: “What message does that fractioning send to the world?”

Should They Become Accademies?


Education Secretary Michael Gove has written in the The Catholic Herald that Catholic schools could avoid “unsympathetic meddling” by secularists if they take up the Government’s offer of academy status. At the moment bishops and governors consider whether to take up the offer. About 150 “outstanding” schools have become academies under Mr Gove’s model but none of them, until last month, were Catholic.
This "priest" is the most disgusting example of evil I have heard of in recent news stories and this world has no shortage of terrible news. A "priest" like this is an evil heretic who is publically going against Church teaching causing horrific scandal and also is trying to benefit financially from his putrid life of sin.
The Pope has stated that only those who hold to the Christian view of marriage can get married in the Church! Not everybody and anybody who feels like it can marry in Church 😇 . The Pope is boss.
holyrope 3
Former homo prostitute says he's not pro abortion but pro choice. What the heck is he doing in the priesthood??
Allen Hunt who was pastor of the Third Largest Methodist Church in the world (near Atlanta, Ga.) was quoted as saying:
"To make a long story short, I do believe in the real presence of Christ in communion. That doctrine is very important to me as is the notion that Christ birthed one …More
Former homo prostitute says he's not pro abortion but pro choice. What the heck is he doing in the priesthood??

Allen Hunt who was pastor of the Third Largest Methodist Church in the world (near Atlanta, Ga.) was quoted as saying:

"To make a long story short, I do believe in the real presence of Christ in communion. That doctrine is very important to me as is the notion that Christ birthed one Church. I have struggled with both of these issues internally for a number of years. The fact that there are 30,000 branches of Christianity in America alone grieves my heart. I believe that continuing division and debate over essentials provides a poor witness to the lost about our Christian unity in the one Lord. My ministry in radio has only served to reinforce that conviction. Finally, I have always struggled with the idea I call "doctrine by democracy." I simply have not been able to get my arms around the concept that we vote on certain things to decide what is true."

(post was from 2/03/2008)
Holy Cannoli
Why He Became A Catholic
...three big things that led to me [Allen Hunt, a talk-radio host] entering the Church. First, Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist. Secondly, a critical stance against the Protestant principle of doctrine by democracy. Third, Jesus’ prayer in John 17 where Jesus pleads for unity in the body of Christ.

We want explanations, reasons, causes and …More
Why He Became A Catholic


...three big things that led to me [Allen Hunt, a talk-radio host] entering the Church. First, Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist. Secondly, a critical stance against the Protestant principle of doctrine by democracy. Third, Jesus’ prayer in John 17 where Jesus pleads for unity in the body of Christ.

We want explanations, reasons, causes and effects for what we observe in the world and, more so, what occurs within our own lives. While Allen Hunt's reasons are worthy, they are, in my opinion, not the direct cause of his conversion. If they were the direct cause then every other Protestant in the world would convert for the very same reasons.

Mr Hunt's reason for conversion was the supernatural gift of faith which he was miraculously given. Looking for rational explanations is normal and we have been trained since we were children to do it. In this case however, the reason for conversion transcends rationallity and therefore we are unable to process it in the usual way. Faith is a gift. [8] For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, for it is the gift of God;

Good morning, Doina
