I don't understand why nobody screamed HERETIC or ERETICO during Francis' speech at Christmas Mass. Aren't Romans aware of what just happened?More
I don't understand why nobody screamed HERETIC or ERETICO during Francis' speech at Christmas Mass.

Aren't Romans aware of what just happened?
la verdad prevalece
Let's not forget how packed the gay pride parades are. The majority of those who are going to support the apostate Bergoglio are sodomites.
I agree with @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori that most people there are foreigners and tourists. I had this experience when visiting Rome a year and a half ago. The thing about being a tourist is, you don't want to make a scene or criticize the country your are visiting. Also the Vatican is swarming with security and police and anyone making a disruption will be promptly escorted out and detained or arrested …More
I agree with @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori that most people there are foreigners and tourists. I had this experience when visiting Rome a year and a half ago. The thing about being a tourist is, you don't want to make a scene or criticize the country your are visiting. Also the Vatican is swarming with security and police and anyone making a disruption will be promptly escorted out and detained or arrested. They are probably thinking Pope Francis is not worth the trouble.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Although it would be a noble act and one that all faithful Catholics would applaud, anyone wishing to make a justified disruption of a ceremony featuring apostate Pope Francis had better think twice, because the legal/prison system is tougher there in Italy, that here in the USA. In the USA. mobs can ransack a store, or burn down a neighborhood and nothing happens to them, or a shoplifter might be …More
Although it would be a noble act and one that all faithful Catholics would applaud, anyone wishing to make a justified disruption of a ceremony featuring apostate Pope Francis had better think twice, because the legal/prison system is tougher there in Italy, that here in the USA. In the USA. mobs can ransack a store, or burn down a neighborhood and nothing happens to them, or a shoplifter might be in jail for 2 hrs. Not so soft elsewhere. 🤪
la verdad prevalece
2 Thessalonians 2:11 For this reason, God imposes on them a powerful delusion. They believe what is false,
Because the Bergoglians are under a satanic seduction. As the Scripture warns, they love lies and that is why they are under divine punishment. Revelation 17:13
The antichrist is gathering his people in the anti-church of Bergoglio to fight against God and the Church of Jesus Christ. Revelation …More
2 Thessalonians 2:11 For this reason, God imposes on them a powerful delusion. They believe what is false,

Because the Bergoglians are under a satanic seduction. As the Scripture warns, they love lies and that is why they are under divine punishment. Revelation 17:13

The antichrist is gathering his people in the anti-church of Bergoglio to fight against God and the Church of Jesus Christ. Revelation 17:14 If they do not repent they all go to damnation.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Look at his eyes.... vacant holes!" Pure evil. As for the crowds in St. Peter's, they are/were mostly tourists. Very few Italians. I have friends in Italy, and they say Pope Francis is hated there....all the more after his decree for vlessing homosexuals. And he is very much hated by younger priests.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi are you?? Happy Merry Christmas...we are celebrating Christmas..8 now can greeting Christmas....I always hope you and all your family always happy and healthy...time so fast....this year almost gone...I am very curious about Italians silence....maybe they hate to Bergoglio??? hmm.....but don't have terrible....and we well know...many …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi are you?? Happy Merry Christmas...we are celebrating Christmas..8 now can greeting Christmas....I always hope you and all your family always happy and healthy...time so fast....this year almost gone...I am very curious about Italians silence....maybe they hate to Bergoglio??? hmm.....but don't have terrible....and we well know...many African Cardinals, Bishops are many effort protect to our Orthodox teachings...I deeply respect and strong support to them...but so many wrong western countries are support to Bergoglio and Bergoglian horrible....I read...crazy Man..Cardinal Fernandez said....African Cardinals, Bishops are must have merciful....crazy man!! are you kidding??? Bergoglio and Bergoglian don't have merciful mind...destroying to our Orthodox teachings, remove to Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops...remove to traditional Latin disgusting man...and my diocese...Archdiocese of Seoul follow Beroglio and Bergogian horrible now....I am sure...Bergoglio and Bergoglian are real Schism group!!! they destroying to our Orthodox real schism way...who tell about disgusting!!!! this time..I strongly tell again!!! we must saying this crazy Tyrant's step down!!! Abdication!! don't need pray for Pope Francis's repentance, come stupid prayer!!!! if, if Lord will send Orthodox Pope, real time...I must going to Underground Arian crisis...Orthodox Catholic People escape to Desert....I think now almost going.....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day again...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! one more Happy Merry Christmas..and Even though will really very very difficult and hard year...but Happy new year too!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Happy Christmas to you!! My family and I had a great holiday....too bad it's over so fast. But I am off on holiday vacation until Wed. Jan. 3rd.
Yes, my two friends who live in Italy ( one is Japanese/American like me) says that most of the Italians, especially touse under 50, hate Bergoglio for a number of reasons. Unfortunatly, alot of their hatred of him has …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Happy Christmas to you!! My family and I had a great holiday....too bad it's over so fast. But I am off on holiday vacation until Wed. Jan. 3rd.
Yes, my two friends who live in Italy ( one is Japanese/American like me) says that most of the Italians, especially touse under 50, hate Bergoglio for a number of reasons. Unfortunatly, alot of their hatred of him has nothing to do with the Church. They hate him for his pro-migrants, pro-Muslim stances. Muslims are ruining towns in Italy where they settle. They disrespect the Italians and their religious traditions. The Italians hate Francis because he sides with the Muslim migrants, rather than with his own faithful. They also hate him because of his pro-homosexual ruling and initiatives, and think he is mentally ill to host and invite TRANS female homosexual prostitutes to the Vatican. They hate him for the scum that he has appointed as bishops all throughout Italy ( at least 20 very bad men). THey hate Tucho Fernandez. Finally, they hate Francis because he has persecuted traditional Catholic religious Orders, and monasteries of nuns, and that he hates the traditional Roman Rite Mass. Finally, they hate Francis because many Italians think that Francis despised Benedict XVI, whom a vast majority of Italians loved very much. Only those 70+, especially priests of that age bracket, hated Benedict XVI because they were the dying remnant of the progressive wing of the Catholic Church. The "progressive" wing of the Catholic Faith in Italy is dead, Pope Francis being its last remnant. There is a small but quickly growing traditionalist branch of the Church in Italy, especially among the young. But unfortunatly, the vast majority don't care one way or the other......all they know is they hate Bergoglio and his people. And that has contributed alot to steeep declines in Mass attendance in Italy.
Lets hope than in less than six months, we have a new Pope who is a Catholic, who at least appreciates and supports Catholic traditions and the traditional Roman Rite. That would go a long way to help resore the Church in Italy, and everywhere. Also, let's hope and pray that this week, very many more Bishops Conferences, individual bishops, and Cardinals, start speacking out against Pope Francis for his recent document on homo blessings. I think we are in for several huge surprises from around the world regarding this, that will practically bring the papacy of Pope Francis to the ground. It's already on very shaky ground right now!
Opera 369
They have all either been inoculated with Bergoglio's "act of love" as he referred to it in 2020 (the c-vac cine) or they are the ecclesiastics afraid to lose their livelihood so they don't open their mouths. At this point, all those in the Square.. are either 'paid extras', or ignorant turists who are just there for the 'photo'. Look at his eyes.... vacant holes!
Dr Bobus
Or else they realize that this entire mess began when the liturgy was put in the vernacular.