152. Faith in Jesus

John the Baptist is so right in saying these words:
“He must increase; I must decrease.” John, chapter 3, verse 30

Following Jesus is not diminishing. But we understand what John teaches us. To follow Jesus is to become humble before whom he is and to appreciate the gift of his person freely given to us. Even though he is God, Jesus thinks of us, wants to live with us, wants to dwell in us and pass through us to touch the hearts of people.

Even if we aren’t perfect, let’s remember that it isn’t us that people must follow, but Jesus. May the people not follow our personal difficulties, because we are struggling to become saints, but that they absolutely follow the Honest, the Pure, the True, the Perfect, Jesus.

When we understand that Jesus is the only one we need to follow and receive his teachings, we discover even more that we aren’t perfect. This is the beginning of healing, of openness to reality that leads to the path of holiness. We will develop the desire to give him more space in our lives and we will accept to make him present for our contemporaries.

Jesus must find more space in hearts. Otherwise, the evil in the world will increase. It’s one or the other, the Love of God who raises us or moving back from his Love, the slip to the evil and the pain of the loss. Let’s be sure to let faith in Jesus grow in us. Let’s not think we have succeeded.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: The heart's mission, Normand Thomas