
Gloria.TV News on the 1st of June 2015

Thanks for the news!

Cardinal Nichols will celebrate [Gay] “Soho Mass” on 10th May

Just another fruit of the second Vatican council. Anyone who still believes VII is viable is just out of touch with reality. This reprobate of a man became a priest, bishop and then cardinal through this satanic teaching.

Cardinal Wuerl calls Cardinal Burke a ‘dissenter’: pot calls the kettle black

Please - don't listen to Cardinal Wurel he is a classic modernist. He has always been like this and will never change. Don't act on what he says or on what he does just ignore him. Men like him and his followers will be lost in the pages of Catholic history. They water the tree of Vatican II that is bearing no fruit. Just look around and you'll see clearly that he and the men like him are religiously …More
Please - don't listen to Cardinal Wurel he is a classic modernist. He has always been like this and will never change. Don't act on what he says or on what he does just ignore him. Men like him and his followers will be lost in the pages of Catholic history. They water the tree of Vatican II that is bearing no fruit. Just look around and you'll see clearly that he and the men like him are religiously impotent.

Letter from a priest to Pope Francis

I think many of us would agree with you Father.

Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of January 2015

Thank you for the news.

Catholic Priest tells mass he's gay and gets standing ovation

Just another "fruit" from Vatican II

Catholic students blast bishop for being not Catholic

No surprise here! When someone loves the acts of the homosexuals they promote them - period! We must someday look beyond the lovers of homosexuality and begin to expose their promoters and get rid of them! Until then nothing will change. 😡

Bishop demands church recognition of homosexual relationships

I agree with Dr Bobus!

Final report on American women religious issued

We were warned! Eugenio Pacelli, future Pius XII, Roche, "Pie XII Devant L'Historie", p. 52-53

Brazilian bishop wants to ordain married community elders as priest shortage grows

No surprise here - anyone that didn't see thing coming is blind. If the man who is our current Pope continues doing what he is doing we can expect more and more of these stupid ideas!

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of November 2014

I agree with Cristo-Rey-Soberano! Well said!

The Remnant Forum: CIVIL WAR: A Church in Crisis

Wonderful reporting - thank you very much!
Stop pointing and start leading. You ask the writers and bloggers to come together for a common action or direction. I suggest you organize it. Stop leading from the sidelines and just tell us what we can do!
Very simple: A. first do this. B. then do this. C. follow up by doing this. D. . . . etc Understand that most of us are just pew warmers and really …More
Wonderful reporting - thank you very much!
Stop pointing and start leading. You ask the writers and bloggers to come together for a common action or direction. I suggest you organize it. Stop leading from the sidelines and just tell us what we can do!
Very simple: A. first do this. B. then do this. C. follow up by doing this. D. . . . etc Understand that most of us are just pew warmers and really have no idea what to do or how to help correct the course of our Church.

Bugnini Man Appointed to Congregation of Divine Worship -- 4 More Ratzingerians Dismissed

History will judge this Pope by what he does. I'm not surprised that he is trying to surrounding himself with men who will push his personal beliefs. Whether we agree or disagree most of us would do the same.

Collapse of Diocesan Clergy in France -- Glimmers of Hope

Thank you for this very well known fact! Thank you because the only ones who are not aware of this is the Vatican and it's nice of you to let them know . . . .

A Faithful Bishop Speaks! Bp. Athanasius Schneider Synod, "manipulation", and the "neo-pagan"

Wow! Some of the Synod Bishops are clearly living in a world of their own making. We need to pray for them to come back to the Church of Jesus Christ.

The Remnant Forum-- SSPX: Public Enemy No. 1

Well - - this was interesting - thank you very much!

Salt and Light TV slams Cardinal Burke as being in an ‘Ivory Tower’

Fr. Thomas Rosica is being stupid here and I mean stupid not misinformed! He needs to just go ahead and announce that he is a pro sodomy protestant - leave the catholic church and move on with his life. With a mentality like this he will never convince anyone that he is part of the Catholic Church. Is there anyone who actually listens to him? Poor man.