Holy Cannoli

ONU acusa a la Iglesia de "torturar" a mujeres con su enseñanza sobre el aborto

GINEBRA, 07 May. 14 / 05:01 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Diversos organismos criticaron la parcialidad del Comité de las Naciones Unidas contra la Tortura, luego de que en una de sus audiencias se acusara …More
GINEBRA, 07 May. 14 / 05:01 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Diversos organismos criticaron la parcialidad del Comité de las Naciones Unidas contra la Tortura, luego de que en una de sus audiencias se acusara a la Iglesia Católica de estar violando una convención internacional contra la tortura con su enseñanza sobre el aborto.
Ashley McGuire, miembro de la mesa consultiva de Catholic Voices USA, dijo el 6 de mayo que “es escandaloso que el Comité de las Naciones Unidas contra la Tortura desafía los compromisos de la Iglesia Católica con la santidad de la vida en todas sus etapas”.
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Los catolicos ignorantes se hacen protestantes - Entrevista el padre Jorge Loring.flv www.youtube.com/watch 🙏 😉 🙏More
Los catolicos ignorantes se hacen protestantes -
Entrevista el padre Jorge Loring.flv

🙏 😉 🙏
Los hispanos de EEUU empiezan a abandonar el catolicismo MARÍA RAMÍREZ Corresponsal Nueva York Actualizado: 08/05/2014 19:36 horas 15 Los hispanos cada …More
Los hispanos de EEUU empiezan a abandonar el catolicismo
MARÍA RAMÍREZ Corresponsal Nueva York
Actualizado: 08/05/2014 19:36 horas
Los hispanos cada vez rezan más como el resto de la población de Estados Unidos: están empezando a abandonar el catolicismo por iglesias protestantes más conservadoras y que también les dan más ayuda material y logística en su comunidad.
Casi uno de cada cuatro hispanos (el 24%) es ahora un ex católico, según un informe del Pew Research Center sobre la religión y los latinos en América con datos de 2013. La mayoría de la comunidad inmigrante o nacida en Estados Unidos de padres hispanos sigue siendo católica (el 55%), pero en particular los protestantes (el 22%) o los no afiliados (el 18%) con ningún confesión están creciendo muy rápido. En 2010, Pew hizo la misma encuesta y encontró que el 67% de los que respondían eran católicos. El bajón del 12% se nota por igual en hombres y mujeres y es aún más significativo entre los jóvenes.
Pew dice que la …More
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Holy Cannoli

Líderes pro-vida y pro familia en Panamá celebran

Foto ~ Juan Carlos Varela junto a su esposa y sus tres hijos. -- Facebook PANAMÁ, 07 May. 14 / 02:25 am (ACI).- Los defensores del derecho a la vida en Panamá celebraron la victoria de Juan Carlos …More
Foto ~ Juan Carlos Varela junto a su esposa y sus tres hijos. -- Facebook
PANAMÁ, 07 May. 14 / 02:25 am (ACI).- Los defensores del derecho a la vida en Panamá celebraron la victoria de Juan Carlos Varela en las elecciones presidenciales del 5 de mayo, y saludaron que durante la campaña “nunca rehuyó de sus principios a pesar del ambiente negativo tanto nacional como internacional”.
El ingeniero Juan Carlos Varela logró imponerse con el 39 por ciento de los votos a sus contendientes, y fue proclamado como presidente electo el mismo 5 de mayo.
En declaraciones a ACI Prensa el 6 de mayo, Juan Francisco De la Guardia, presidente de la Alianza por la Vida y la Familia de Panamá, señaló que “para nosotros, los que luchamos por la vida y la familia, un punto de suma importancia es que nunca rehuyó de sus principios a pesar del ambiente negativo tanto nacional como internacional y firmó junto a 5 de los 7 candidatos un pacto por la vida y la Familia promovido por la Alianza Panameña por la …More

Couple Arrested For Sex Acts On Church Lawn

MAY 6--Attendees at a wedding Saturday were shocked to spot a 60-year-old woman and a 56-year-old man engaging in sex acts on the church lawn, Utah cops report. A Salt Lake City Police Department cop …More
MAY 6--Attendees at a wedding Saturday were shocked to spot a 60-year-old woman and a 56-year-old man engaging in sex acts on the church lawn, Utah cops report.
A Salt Lake City Police Department cop was summoned to Sacred Heart Catholic Church around 6 PM by a wedding guest who “ran into the road to stop” a passing police cruiser being driven by Officer Rich Stone.
Stone then approached Sandra Kruser and Wilson Benally, who were laying on the church lawn. “I walked over to the couple and I physically saw the sex act,” Stone reported.
Holy Cannoli
The Sign of Peace taken to a whole 'nuther' level.
Holy Cannoli

También algunos obispos han hablado sobre Maria Divine Mercy

Después de la polémica generada por el artículo titulado “Sobre las profecías de la vidente Maria Divine Mercy”, publicado hace unos días en este mismo blog, su autor, el sacerdote Luis SantamaríaMore
Después de la polémica generada por el artículo titulado “Sobre las profecías de la vidente Maria Divine Mercy”, publicado hace unos días en este mismo blog, su autor, el sacerdote Luis Santamaría, miembro de la Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de las Sectas (RIES), ha escrito un nuevo artículo aclarando lo que ya ha dicho la Iglesia, por boca de varios obispos, en torno a las falsas revelaciones privadas que están alcanzando tanta difusión por Internet. Reproducimos el artículo a continuación.
Como siempre habrá anarco-católicos que me dirán que a saber cómo son estos obispos, que son el Anticristo con mitra y báculo y otras cosas por el estilo, me permitirán al menos que termine estas líneas con una revelación procedente del mismo Cristo y cuya autenticidad no me atrevo a poner en duda, me lo diga quien me lo diga: “tanto amó Dios al mundo que entregó a su Hijo único para que todo el que cree en él no muera, sino que tenga vida eterna” (Jn 3, 16). Como dijo San Pablo –que al …More

The Pope’s new Coptic secretary: Islam is a “culture of death”

This is odd and surprising. It would seem most likely that the Pope wanted a secretary from the Islamic world to show his favorable view of Islam, and is unaware of Father Yoannis Lahzi Gaido’s previous …More
This is odd and surprising. It would seem most likely that the Pope wanted a secretary from the Islamic world to show his favorable view of Islam, and is unaware of Father Yoannis Lahzi Gaido’s previous statements. He will undoubtedly soon find out, however, if he hasn’t already, and what happens then will be interesting.
From an interview that Father Gaido gave on 31 March 2008:
I have always tried to be a friend that respects the different religion of the other, without being afraid to tell the truth or to emphasize that Christianity is a call to freedom.
And when Magdi asked me about the Copts in Egypt, I did not hide the enormous difficulties under which Christians must live in places with a Muslim majority.
These difficulties are not caused by a few Islamists, but by a culture of death and violence that is based on very clear verses [of their scripture] that they quote, calling for violence and jihad, saying they should murder all who are different and killing [those who express] …
Holy Cannoli
This could get VERY interesting. 😀More
This could get VERY interesting.

FL Teacher Banned Bible from 'Free Reading' Time in Classroom

Photo ~ Swornia D. Thomas 5th Grade Teacher Officials at Broward County Public Schools banned a fifth grader from reading the Bible during “free reading” time, according to lawyers from the Liberty …More
Photo ~ Swornia D. Thomas 5th Grade Teacher
Officials at Broward County Public Schools banned a fifth grader from reading the Bible during “free reading” time, according to lawyers from the Liberty Institute who are threatening to sue the school for violating the First Amendment.
Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible at church as a Christmas gift. It’s his favorite book, so he decided he’d like to read it during the time in class where students are allowed to read anything they choose.
Swornia Thomas is Giovanni’s teacher. On April 8, Thomas told Giovanni he’s not allowed to read the Bible in her class and ordered him to put it away. Giovanni asked her to call his father, Paul Rubeo, about the incident.
So Rubeo retained Liberty Institute to assert Giovanni’s First Amendment rights. Liberty Institute has now sent a demand letter to Broward County Public Schools and is holding a public event this afternoon at the federal courthouse in Ft. …More
Holy Cannoli
Terminate or at least suspend this witch. If she returns, she must issue a groveling apology and agree to do at least 40 hours of community service in …More
Terminate or at least suspend this witch. If she returns, she must issue a groveling apology and agree to do at least 40 hours of community service in a Christian soup kitchen.

The Alleged Apparitions at Garabandal, Spain

Msgr. Jose Vilaplana, Bishop of Santander, Spain In answer to questions about the alleged Marian apparitions at Garabandal, Spain, Bishop Jose Vilaplana sends the following response to inquirers. More
Msgr. Jose Vilaplana, Bishop of Santander, Spain
In answer to questions about the alleged Marian apparitions at Garabandal, Spain, Bishop Jose Vilaplana sends the following response to inquirers.
Diocese of Santander
Some people have been coming directly to the Diocese of Santander (Spain) asking about the "alleged apparitions" of Garabandal, and above all for the position of the hierarchy of the Church concerning these apparitions.
I must communicate that:
1. All the bishops of the diocese from 1961 through 1970 asserted that the supernatural character of the said apparitions, that took place around that time, could not be confirmed. [no constaba].*
2. In the month of December of 1977 Msgr. del Val, Bishop of Santander, in union with his predecessors, affirmed that in the six years of being Bishop of Santander there were no new phenomena.
Live Mike
There are 3 official forms of declaration by the Church authorities: 1. Approbation “Constat de supernaturalitate” It is certain to be supernatural …More
There are 3 official forms of declaration by the Church authorities:
1. Approbation “Constat de supernaturalitate” It is certain to be supernatural
2. Condemnation “Constat de non supernaturalitate” It is certain to be non-supernatural
(the non-supernaturality is proven, it is evident to be of non-supernatural origin, it is established not supernatural)
3. Neither Approbation nor Condemnation “Non constat de supernaturalitate" It is Not Certain to be supernatural (essentially "we're not sure") This is the official position of the Bishops of Santander on Garabandal.
Why so number 3? Because in January of 1966 Conchita was invited to the Vatican by Cardinal Ottavini (Head of the Holy Office - CDF) for an interview / interrogation during which she declared the future date of the Miracle to take place above the Pines in Garabandal. In prudence the Church must wait for the date to come to pass before making any further official declarations. So we wait. Incidentally, in a letter dated 3…More
Holy Cannoli

Apparitions/Private Revelations

Catechism of the Catholic Church: 66 "The Christian economy, therefore, since it is the new and definitive Covenant, will never pass away; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the …More
Catechism of the Catholic Church:
"The Christian economy, therefore, since it is the new and definitive Covenant, will never pass away; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ." Yet even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries.
67 Throughout the ages, there have been so-called "private" revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ's definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the Magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church.
Christian faith cannot accept "…More
Holy Cannoli
In November 1983, Bishop Žanić of the diocese of Mostar-Duvno, in which Medjugorje is situated, sent a study on Medjugorje to the Congregation for …More
In November 1983, Bishop Žanić of the diocese of Mostar-Duvno, in which Medjugorje is situated, sent a study on Medjugorje to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who asked him for his position on the apparition. Zanic said the apparition could not be from God because of the "disorder and disarray" it caused, but that it was probably a hoax because "From the outset one can notice that the children have sometimes lied".[4]
Bishop Ratko Perić, the successor of Zanic, stated in Međugorje: Secrets, messages, vocations, prayers, confessions, commissions that he came to definitively disbelieve in the Medjugorje apparitions when the alleged visionaries claimed Our Lady was against the papal decree Romanis Pontificibus.[4]
In 1985, 1995 and 1998, the Holy See forbade official pilgrimages to Medjugorje: "pilgrimages, whether private or public, are not allowed if they presuppose the authenticity of the apparitions, since this would be in contradiction to the declaration of the …More
Holy Cannoli
Certainly, however, the faithful benefit the most from the judgment of the bishop of the diocese in which the apparition occurs. He has the authority …More
Certainly, however, the faithful benefit the most from the judgment of the bishop of the diocese in which the apparition occurs. He has the authority to assemble a commission of scientific and theological experts, to judge the case, as well as the grace of vocation to carry out this pastoral service. While his decision is not infallible, it has the presumption of being correct and should receive the respectfully adherence of the faithful (Canon 753). Thus, such decisions should generally be decisive in the prudential judgment of the faithful. It would require very weighty and sound theological reasons (not feelings or mere agreement with the content of the alleged apparition) to find defect in such a decision. Such intellectual disagreement, however, does not permit acting out of communion with the bishop. (See my FAQ on Medjugorje for the attitude of the Holy See in one such case.)
Holy Cannoli

Egypt dig unearths 'early image of Jesus'

Photo ~ A miraculous discovery! An underground room dating from the sixth century holds an image of a young man with curly hair, who appears to be giving a blessing (pictured) and one expert thinks it …More
Photo ~ A miraculous discovery! An underground room dating from the sixth century holds an image of a young man with curly hair, who appears to be giving a blessing (pictured) and one expert thinks it could be one of the earliest paintings of Jesus Christ. The image, which is seen here, has been protected from the sun with a thin layer of material
His image has been replicated countless times in churches and artwork, but a team of Spanish archaeologists believe they have found one of the earliest images of Jesus.
A mysterious underground room dating from between the sixth and seventh century AD holds an image of a young man with curly hair, who appears to be giving a blessing among other Coptic images.
The Catalan experts who discovered the site in the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus think it was the final resting place for a writer and a number of priests.
Read more: www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Egypt-dig-unear…
Holy Cannoli

A Few Things I Need To Ask Pope Francis When He Calls

Everyone knows by now that Pope Francis likes to call up unsuspecting people on the phone and make their day. This warm and personal pastoral technique also seems to have made quite the day for a number …More
Everyone knows by now that Pope Francis likes to call up unsuspecting people on the phone and make their day. This warm and personal pastoral technique also seems to have made quite the day for a number of liberal Catholic commentators and secular media pundits. When he gets around to calling me, I have a list of questions for the Holy Father:
Does the Vatican really have a phone book of all Catholics? Did you get it from that IRS lady who works for Obama?
Do you totally love it when liberal Catholics use you as a tool to cause more division in the Church by pretending that you are an enemy of orthodox, practicing Catholics? Hmm, not really? You think it’s a self-serving and childish perversion of what you are actually preaching?
Can I put that on my Facebook page?
Since you apparently won’t be using the papal apartments, are they for rent? How much? Washer/dryer?
Is it true some of the cardinals were using performance enhancing drugs during the conclave?
Have you ever been tempted to …
Holy Cannoli

We Can’t Afford Married Priests?

Photo ~ Fr Dwight Longenecker, a former Anglican minister who entered the Roman Catholic Church in 1995. Fr. Dwight is an author, speaker, and parish priest serving at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in …More
Photo ~ Fr Dwight Longenecker, a former Anglican minister who entered the Roman Catholic Church in 1995. Fr. Dwight is an author, speaker, and parish priest serving at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in Greenville, South Carolina.
Con: “We can’t afford married priests! Do you know how much it would cost to support a married man and his family!”
Pro: “Surely the question is not whether we could afford married priests, but whether we should. But let’s stop and consider that we already pay for celibate priests. It varies from diocese to diocese and around the world the situation will vary hugely according to different cultural conditions. Let’s just consider the American scene.
Many Catholics have no idea in the world what a priest is paid. Many imagine that we all take a vow of poverty and that we live day by day on faith. Some think the bishop pays us. He doesn’t the parish pays according to guidelines issued by the diocese.
Most celibate priests in American dioceses do pretty well. Here’s …More
The liberal population really is obsessed with wanting to see priests having sex! They ether want heterosexual priests having sex, or gay practicing …More
The liberal population really is obsessed with wanting to see priests having sex!
They ether want heterosexual priests having sex, or gay practicing priests, or the worst women priests.
The moment any one of these are excepted Catholics will be in big trouble!
Lord have mercy!
🥴 🤦
Holy Cannoli
For the U of IL, tuition, room and board and misc expenses for residents total $30 - $35k/year. For non-residents it's $10k more. --------------------…More
For the U of IL, tuition, room and board and misc expenses for residents total $30 - $35k/year. For non-residents it's $10k more.
There are individuals who post nothing more than quote followed by quote followed by quote, day after day after day clearly have nothing of substance to say but are simply trying unsuccessfully to mask their ignorance while satisfying their obsessive-compulsive disorder to post something regardless of its irrelevance.
They deceive no one other than themselves if they think spam postings accomplish anything other than to manifest their obsessiveness and lack of common sense much less intelligence.
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Holy Cannoli

The Marian Shrine of Medjugorje Not Recognized

The Vatican investigation of the not recognized Marian Shrine of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina is closed. This was confirmed this Saturday Vatican by spokesman Federico Lombardi. On Friday, the …More
The Vatican investigation of the not recognized Marian Shrine of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina is closed. This was confirmed this Saturday Vatican by spokesman Federico Lombardi. On Friday, the international commission of inquiry chaired by former Roman Cardinal Vicar Camillo Ruini met in its last session. The result will now be sent for further processing by the CDF.
Official pilgrimages to Medjugorje will continue to be prohibited.
Radio Vatikan
To tell you the truth is just sad, when father Malachi Martin said that he has big reservations about medjugore, I try to informed myself, and what …More
To tell you the truth is just sad, when father Malachi Martin said that he has big reservations about medjugore, I try to informed myself, and what Martin was saying at the time was something that could only be seen in mafia movies... money. How much money they actually were making, I meam the travel business was booming, yes people went there to pray, yes people found graces, yes people went to mass, but if I go to Israel I get the same and there are no apparitions, same with the vatican, to a revered catholic temple... the evidence is there, is clear that certain messages were totally contrary to scripture, if you go to youtube theres a video of vicka in a "ecstasy" in which she flinches when someone flashes a finger right to her eyes, a true ecstasy wouldn't even flinch... look it up: medjugore fraud.
Verdict on Medjugorje nears as Commission claims apparitions are “no hoax” THE MEDJUGORJE INQUIRY COMMISSION HAS CONCLUDED ITS WORK The dossier on the …More
Verdict on Medjugorje nears as Commission claims apparitions are “no hoax”
The dossier on the alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje has been passed on to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The verdict could be positive albeit partial but no concrete decision has yet been reached
A verdict on the Medjugorje apparitions is not far off. The Mejugorje inquiry commission which was set up in March 2010 and is chaired by Cardinal Camillo Ruini has concluded its work. Fr. Federico Lombardi confirmed that the commission held its last meeting on Friday and the results of the inquiry will now be examined by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith headed by the Prefect Gerhard Müller.
All the material gathered, the interviews with the seers and many other witnesses, the stories told by the various people involved, expert reports and theological reflections on …More
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Provida. El mejor video pro-vidaMore
El mejor video pro-vida
👏 👏 👏
😡 nul ! et quelle pub !More
nul ! et quelle pub !
15 more comments
Holy Cannoli
Merry Christmas/Feliz Navidad. Merry Christmas and Happy New YearMore
Merry Christmas/Feliz Navidad.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Holy Cannoli
Where Do Popes Get The News? Now we know.More
Where Do Popes Get The News?
Now we know.
Vered Lavan
👏 😀 👍
Holy Cannoli
Kardinal Marx. Tannenzäpfle, Bitte.More
Kardinal Marx.
Tannenzäpfle, Bitte.
Holy Cannoli
Dicembre 13 - Santa Lucia. Dedicated to Lucia Buzut from Gloria.tv.More
Dicembre 13 - Santa Lucia.
Dedicated to Lucia Buzut from Gloria.tv.
dopiero dziesiąty ale już dziś Luchince dobrze życzę bo potem nie będę miał głowy 😘 👏
😉 👏 😇
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Holy Cannoli
Mandela. A pro-abortion rights communist.More
A pro-abortion rights communist.
Holy Cannoli
Nelson Mandela and "The Elders" Mr Mandela was one of "The Elders", a group of retired international public figures dominated by leading international …More
Nelson Mandela and "The Elders"
Mr Mandela was one of "The Elders", a group of retired international public figures dominated by leading international advocates of abortion, homosexuality and population control.
Holy Cannoli
His record on pro-life/pro-family issues Nelson Mandela and abortion Mr Mandela has been quoted as saying on abortion: "Women have the right to decide …More
His record on pro-life/pro-family issues
Nelson Mandela and abortion
Mr Mandela has been quoted as saying on abortion: "Women have the right to decide what they want to do with their bodies." In 1996, Mandela signed into law the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Bill, which permits abortion on demand.
Mr Mandela's African National Congress (ANC) has a strong ideological commitment to abortion, with the ANC Women's League strongly behind the legalization of abortion on demand. The ANC has for decades been in a close political and electoral alliance with the South African Communist Party (SACP) (Mr Mandela pictured with SACP leader Joe Slovo) which also has a strong ideological commitment to abortion.
Jesus "Pretends"? “In the Gospel, Jesus does not become angry, but pretends to when the disciples do not understand him,” the Pope explained.More
Jesus "Pretends"?
“In the Gospel, Jesus does not become angry, but pretends to when the disciples do not understand him,” the Pope explained.
On the Cross Jesus pretends He is being crucified...
Christ pretends? The Pope must have mistaken Christ for a Catholic bishop? 😀
Holy Cannoli
They're Here. Their obsessive narcissism distinguishes them.More
They're Here.
Their obsessive narcissism distinguishes them.
Holy Cannoli
Observe. This disturbed individual will remove his earlier post so that he could then Repost his picture/photo and comment at the top of the list of …More
Observe. This disturbed individual will remove his earlier post so that he could then Repost his picture/photo and comment at the top of the list of "recent comments."
Crazy? Obsessive? Narcissistic? Juvenile?
You betcha.