Presumption of innocence until proven guilty? An innocent man spent 73 days in prison!
Adrien shares this
Unschuldsvermutung bis zum Beweis der Schuld? Ein unschuldiger Mann verbrachte 73 Tage im Gefängnis!
sick woman
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At least 2,000 children killed in Gaza – charity

Israeli airstrikes are killing minors “indiscriminately,” aid organization Save the Children has said At least 2,000 children have died in Israel’s …
Adrien shares from Adrien
Ein Krieg in der Ukraine und in Russland ohne echten Friedensprozess.
A war in Ukraine and Russia without genuine peace process.
A war in Ukraine and Russia without genuine peace process.
Adrien shares this
Ein Krieg in der Ukraine und in Russland ohne echten Friedensprozess.
Ivan Tomas
Tell me, whose profit is it when Christians kill Christians?!
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Suspecting him of supporting the Ukrainian ''Orthodox'' Church (not the new ''Orthodox'' Church of Ukraine), a mob attacked a school director in the Lvоv region. It is also reported that the man spoke …More
Suspecting him of supporting the Ukrainian ''Orthodox'' Church (not the new ''Orthodox'' Church of Ukraine), a mob attacked a school director in the Lvоv region. It is also reported that the man spoke in Russian.
Good grief, now speaking Russian is a mortal sin in Ukraine. This is the madness of extreme nationalism, such that has not been seen since WW's 1 and 2.
Teo Logos
Lwowscy banderowcy w akcji linczowania Dyrektora szkoły za mówienie po rosyjsku.
Ukrainian Troops are Choosing to Surrender. Knowing they would otherwise run into their death like 30 to 70 thousands Ukrainian soldiers before them in the now famous big spring-summer attack. North-…More
Ukrainian Troops are Choosing to Surrender.
Knowing they would otherwise run into their death like 30 to 70 thousands Ukrainian soldiers before them in the now famous big spring-summer attack.
North-East of Klishchiivka near Bakhmut-Artemovsk.
Filmed by Ukrainian drones, uploaded, and later deleted from Ukrainian channels. This was first uploaded by Ukrainian telegram channels thinking these were Russian soldiers. Once the geolocation came out that these prisoners were walking towards Russian controlled territory, Ukrainian telegrams all began to delete this video.
Adrien shares from Adrien
Merkurpassage (Durchgang) vor der Sonne.
Merkurpassage (Durchgang) vor der Sonne. Mercury transit across the Sun. Like all the other planets of the Solar System, tiny planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) are revolving around the Sun.More
Merkurpassage (Durchgang) vor der Sonne.
Mercury transit across the Sun. Like all the other planets of the Solar System, tiny planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) are revolving around the Sun.
Merkurpassage (Durchgang) vor der Sonne. Mercury transit across the Sun. Like all the other planets of the Solar System, tiny planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) are revolving around the Sun.More
Merkurpassage (Durchgang) vor der Sonne.
Mercury transit across the Sun. Like all the other planets of the Solar System, tiny planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) are revolving around the Sun.
Adrien shares this
Merkurpassage (Durchgang) vor der Sonne.
Dr Bobus
The difference between the heliocentric and geocentric systems is the formulae of the former are simpler than the formulae of the latter. After Einstein …More
The difference between the heliocentric and geocentric systems is the formulae of the former are simpler than the formulae of the latter.
After Einstein few if any profs teaching cosmology are concerned with positing a center of the unIverse. It is man's intellectual ability that makes the earth the center--but not necessarily the geographic center--of the universe.
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Adrien shares from Adrien
Il presidente ebreo Zelensky sta ancora perseguitando cristiani "ortodossi" in Ucraina, costringendoli a cambiare la loro religione, la loro fede e la chiesa in cui credono, per la nuova chiesa statale …More
Il presidente ebreo Zelensky sta ancora perseguitando cristiani "ortodossi" in Ucraina, costringendoli a cambiare la loro religione, la loro fede e la chiesa in cui credono, per la nuova chiesa statale. Per metterlo in prospettiva, è la stessa situazione per loro come quando Enrico VIII ha costretto la Chiesa cattolica d'Inghilterra a sottomettersi alla sua (allora) nuova chiesa personale nel sesso secolo. In Ucraina del 2023, il capo di questa nuova chiesa scismatica, essendo il governo ucraino e i suoi servizi segreti, è anche rappresentato pubblicamente da "Metropolìta" Epifany Dumyenko, un uomo scismatico non canonico le regole, poiché per i fedeli "ortodossi", il consacatore (il patriarca autoproclamato in questo caso) non deve essere scismatico (per loro filarot era scismatico), perché in tal caso, tutti i suoi sacramenti sono invalidi e ci devono essere Almeno due consacratori (Filaret era solo secondo il patriarca di Alessandria: non posso verificare quest'ultima affermazione). …More
Jewish president Zelensky is still persecuting "Orthodox" Christians in Ukraine, forcing them to change their religion, their Faith, and the Church they believe in, for the new state church. To put this …More
Jewish president Zelensky is still persecuting "Orthodox" Christians in Ukraine, forcing them to change their religion, their Faith, and the Church they believe in, for the new state church. To put this into perspective, it is the same situation for them as when Henry VIII forced the Catholic Church of England to submit to his (then) new personal church in the sixtheeth century. In the Ukraine of 2023, the head of this new schismatic church, being the government of Ukraine and its secret services, is also publicly represented by ''metropolitan'' Epiphany Dumyenko, a schismatic man not canonically consecrated to the bishophood, according to their rules, since for the ''Orthodox'' faithfuls, the consecrator (the self proclaimed Patriarch Filaret in this case) must not be schismatic (for them Filaret was schismatic), because if so, all his sacraments are invalid, and there must be at least two consecrators (Filaret was alone according to the Patriarch of Alexandria—I can not verify this …More
Jewish president Zelensky is still persecuting "Orthodox" Christians in Ukraine, forcing them to change their religion, their Faith, and the Church they believe in, for the new state church. To put this …More
Jewish president Zelensky is still persecuting "Orthodox" Christians in Ukraine, forcing them to change their religion, their Faith, and the Church they believe in, for the new state church. To put this into perspective, it is the same situation for them as when Henry VIII forced the Catholic Church of England to submit to his (then) new personal church in the sixtheeth century. In the Ukraine of 2023, the head of this new schismatic church, being the government of Ukraine and its secret services, is also publicly represented by ''metropolitan'' Epiphany Dumyenko, a schismatic man not canonically consecrated to the bishophood, according to their rules, since for the ''Orthodox'' faithfuls, the consecrator (the self proclaimed Patriarch Filaret in this case) must not be schismatic (for them Filaret was schismatic), because if so, all his sacraments are invalid, and there must be at least two consecrators (Filaret was alone according to the Patriarch of Alexandria—I can not verify this …More
Ich weiß nicht, was ihr hier in das Video reininterpretiert? Erklärt mal, was zu sehen ist und wo das sein soll! Dann kann man sich aufregen oder nicht.
Silly. The NKVD '43 Moscow schismatics are dealt with by legal process while Putin shells those same churches.
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Priest anathematized President Zelensky's cortege (entourage, bodyguards, drivers) during his visit to Bulgaria, July 2023.
Adrien shares from Fausto
Молитесь о мире во всем мире, очень скоро эра благодати закончится и начнется время массовых катаклизмов!
мир из Меджугорие. Послание Богородицы из Меджугорья В РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ directed by Fausto Demartis and Calogero Intorre, russian language English subtitles...More
мир из Меджугорие.
Послание Богородицы из Меджугорья В РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ directed by Fausto Demartis and Calogero Intorre, russian language English subtitles...
Я также хотел бы поделиться историей Вассюлы. После того, как Вассюла начала получать откровения от Бога, …More
Я также хотел бы поделиться историей Вассюлы.
После того, как Вассюла начала получать откровения от Бога, часто она сама переживала страдания Иисуса.
Ниже описан один из таких случаев, пережитых ею в Омаха, Небраска, в июне 1993 года.

12 июня,1993 года, перед конференцией, где одним из докладчиков был Отец Людевич Рупчик OFM (богослов и преподаватель экзегетики в Сараево, осмелившийся во времена коммунистического режима в Югославии в 1983 году опубликовать книгу'Явление Нашей Госпожи в Меджюгорье', которая стала первой книгой об этих явлениях) , Вассюла Риден, Отец Майкл O'Карролл, Г-жа Кристина Линч, издатель Английского печатного издания, Г-н Пэт Калахан из Trinitas, Г-н Джон Линч встретились в гостинице, где остановилась Вассюла, чтобы обсудить распространение вестейИстинная Жизнь в Боге.
Необычное состояние Вассюлы началось почти сразу после того, как все собрались для проведения встречи. После описания самой Вассюлы этот случай описан Отцом Майклом, Пэтом Калаханом и Кристиной ЛинчMore
Adrien shares from Adrien
Sacrilège envers le Saint Sacrement en Indonésie ! PAROKI SINGKAWANG on TikTokMore
Sacrilège envers le Saint Sacrement en Indonésie !
Sacrilegious reception of the Divine Sacrament in the hand reaches a new low!
Merci beaucoup d'avoir annulé mon message. Tu es vraiment gentil. Tu es juste étroit d'esprit. Hum...
remi dec
C'est pour apporter ou pour manger ici ? Si au moins ils la donnait sur la langue avec le plateau mais non, quelle indignation.
Sacrilegious reception of the Divine Sacrament in the hand reaches a new low!
Mons Lelio Baresi shares this
La ricezione sacrilega del Santissimo Sacramento in mano raggiunge un nuovo livello minimo
Carlus shares this
Erste Handkommunion in Indonesien mit Eintauchen der Hostie ins Kostbare Blut (Tropf, Tropf, Tropf...) 😱 😱 😱 😭 das grenzt bereits an Satanismus .More
Erste Handkommunion in Indonesien mit Eintauchen der Hostie ins Kostbare Blut (Tropf, Tropf, Tropf...) 😱 😱 😱 😭
das grenzt bereits an Satanismus .
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Robert Kennedy on Ukro-Russian conflict: Moving NATO in Ukraine...
Adrien shares from Novena - Oremus
Can a Protestant go to purgatory? Is it possible or not?
Pray for Protestants in Purgatory
We are assuming baptism, of course, but I believe you are correct, and apostate cannot be saved. Aquinas, sums things up by telling us that God gives …More
We are assuming baptism, of course, but I believe you are correct, and apostate cannot be saved. Aquinas, sums things up by telling us that God gives grace to those who do the best they can. The important word is best.
@123jussi I noticed the GloriaTV users have opposed ideas on that matter, even if the answer seems so obvious to me. Nevertheless, the Catechism somewhat …More
@123jussi I noticed the GloriaTV users have opposed ideas on that matter, even if the answer seems so obvious to me. Nevertheless, the Catechism somewhat differs from my explanation. I wrote it below in my other comments, if you click on the image to see the original post.
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FSSPX: Mgr Vitus Huonder est-il vraiment un évêque?

Suite à un long article écrit par l'abbé Dominique Rousseau (ex-FSSPX, maintenant Reconquista) posté sur GloriaTV par @AveMaria44 , dans lequel l'abbé met en doute l'épiscopat de Mgr Vitus Huonder …More
Suite à un long article écrit par l'abbé Dominique Rousseau (ex-FSSPX, maintenant Reconquista) posté sur GloriaTV par @AveMaria44 , dans lequel l'abbé met en doute l'épiscopat de Mgr Vitus Huonder, citant Mgr Lefebvre qui disait que le nouveau rite était douteux, je tiens à apporter un début de réponse à ce seul point.
Que Mgr Lefebvre ait dit que les nouveaux rites des Sacrements étaient douteux est une chose, mais il y a une différence entre avoir des doutes et avoir une certitude. Si des rites sont révisés, il est normal d'être prudent au début. Puis on procède à une analyse et lorsque la validité du rite est confirmée, il devient alors fort inconvenable de traiter le rite de ''douteux''.
Les deux autres aspects c'est que Marcel Lefebvre ne possédait pas la science pour procéder à l'analyse des nouveaux rites (contrairement à l'abbé Gregory Hesse qui a démontré que le Sacrement de l'Ordre dans le nouveau rite romain est valide) et que Mgr Lefebvre n'avait pas non plus le don surnaturel …More
@dmargot Le Sacrement de l'Ordre comporte trois degrés : l’épiscopat, le presbytérat et le diaconat. (Selon le Pape Pie XII). Consécration épiscopale …More
Le Sacrement de l'Ordre comporte trois degrés : l’épiscopat, le presbytérat et le diaconat. (Selon le Pape Pie XII).
Consécration épiscopale: Plénitude du Sacrement de l'ordre par lequel on devient évêque.
Pour la prêtrise, on dit ordination sacerdotale ou ordination presbytérale.
Dans chaque cas, on reçoit le Sacrement de l'Ordre.
Quelque rite que ce soit: (Les différents rites catholique.) Rite syro-malankar, rite copte, rite melkite-byzantin, rite syriaque, nouveau rite romain, ancien rite romain, etc. La liste est trop longue.
Tous les rites du Sacrement de l'ordre sont valides même s'ils sont souvent très différents les uns des autres, en autant que l'ordinant touche physiquement à celui qui reçoit le Sacrement.
Un homme baptisé pourrait validement recevoir l'épiscopat sans auparavant être ordonné prêtre. J'ai le parfait exemple dans mon bref article avec Matthias dans le livre des Actes des Apôtres chapitre 1 versets 15 à 26, sans oublier les Apôtres eux-mêmes qui n'ont …More
"L'important dans n'importe quel rite de consécration épiscopale, c'est l'imposition des mains car le Sacrement de l'Ordre se transmet par contact …More
"L'important dans n'importe quel rite de consécration épiscopale, c'est l'imposition des mains car le Sacrement de l'Ordre se transmet par contact physique. " Parlez-vous de l'ordination sacerdotale ou du sacre épiscopal ? Le doute le plus important porte sur l'ordination sacerdotale; si celle-ci est douteuse, le sacre subséquent l'est aussi. N'oublions pas que, selon un cardinal repenti sur son lit de mort, le but des ennemis n'est pas de détruire les sacrements mais de les rendre douteux. La principale action de Mgr Lefebvre aura été de les garder intégralement sûrs ! Maintenant, la FSSPX entre aussi dans le cadre douteux. (Cela fait d'ailleurs un certain temps que les prêtres arrivant dans la FSSPX ne sont plus ré ordonnés sous condition : tous les sacrements qu'ils donnent entrent alors dans la catégorie douteuse)
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A priest denied the proper reception of the Blessed Sacrament to a faithful, at the funeral Mass for Pope Benedict XVI.

Adrien shares from mijailoa
A priest denied the proper reception of the Blessed Sacrament to a faithful, at the funeral Mass for Pope Benedict XVI.
Los Abusos de los Sacerdotes negando la comunion de rodillas y en la boca.
@Xian Fu Mangzhu Ayant moi-même vécu cette situation, j'ai vite compris qu'il est inutile d'argumenter avec cette sorte de prêtre. Alors, on s'en va …More
@Xian Fu Mangzhu Ayant moi-même vécu cette situation, j'ai vite compris qu'il est inutile d'argumenter avec cette sorte de prêtre. Alors, on s'en va voir un autre prêtre plus loin, si c'est possible. Puisque cet homme a compris comment recevoir le Saint Sacrement, il a certainement de l'expérience avec ce type de refus. Alors il s'en va va sans dire un mot et j'aurais fait la même chose (mais sans sa tentative risquée).
Xian Fu Mangzhu
@Adrien Le prêtre lui parle bien et le communiant ne regimbe pas, il l'écoute. Que lui a-t-il dit ? Personne ne le sait. Le rendu du gif est très …More
Le prêtre lui parle bien et le communiant ne regimbe pas, il l'écoute. Que lui a-t-il dit ? Personne ne le sait. Le rendu du gif est très mauvais. Aussi j'ai fait des prises, image par image.
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Adrien shares from parangutirimicuaro
Sisters of Charity will not accept any new vocation from now on.
2023 Assembly - Sisters of Charity of New York and Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth Denver, Colo., Apr 28, 2023 / 15:10 pm New York Sisters of Charity won’t take new members, signaling end of …More
2023 Assembly - Sisters of Charity of New York and Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
Denver, Colo., Apr 28, 2023 / 15:10 pm
New York Sisters of Charity won’t take new members, signaling end of congregation | Catholic News Agency
The Sisters of Charity of New York, founded in 1846, announced that they will no longer take new members, describing their congregation as on “a path to completion.”
“The Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New York will no longer work toward finding nor accepting new members to our congregation in the United States,” the congregation said in an April 27 statement.
In a unanimous vote at their 2023 general assembly, the sisters decided to adopt the recommendations of the congregation’s executive council.
The delegates approved the recommendation to affirm that the New York sisters “continue to live our mission to the fullest, while acknowledging that we are on a path to completion.”
“The decision was not an easy one,” said the congregation, which …More
Jason l
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 Good Riddance. Before the filth of Vatican II, they were wonderful sisters, in 1963 1,500 strong, staffinf dozens in elementary …More
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 Good Riddance. Before the filth of Vatican II, they were wonderful sisters, in 1963 1,500 strong, staffinf dozens in elementary schools in the NYC Archdiocese, Brooklyn Diocese, and multiple others, not to mention foreign missions. They also staffed at least 2 huge major hospitals in the metropolitan NYC area, and nursing homes, as well as orphanages. The movie "Doubt" with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams was about their congregation.
Like mostly all USA religious Orders of sisters, they went radical femminist, dissenting. They discarded their very simple and plain beautiful habit....which was exactly the same worn by the great Saint Elizabeth Ann Bailey Seton, who originally founded all USA Sisters of CHarity in the very early 19th century in Baltimore.
These nuns went from over 1,500 with a median age of about 37, to today at about 110 and a median age of about 82. They have not had any vocations for at least 30 years.
Although it is a natural reaction to feel saddness at …More